Moving water flooded areas in Flood: Stay alert! you Always be prepared Have a disaster plan - decide 1) will go and what you will do if there is a flood. Prepare an emergency kit - pack a bag with important items such 2) bottled water, tinned food, a torch, a portable radio and protective clothing (a raincoat, rubber boots and waterproof gloves). Build flood defences outside 3) home - flood barriers and walls can protect your home from floodwaters. During a floods Wear protective clothing and get your emergency kic • Evacuate the house if necessary and move 6) high ground. • Listen to the weather forecast using a radio. There will be frequent flood updates and advice on 7) to do next. . Don't walk through moving water. Even shallow moving water 8) cause you to fall and carry you away. . Avoid already flooded areas, Don't use cars in flooded areas they can be swept away by floodwaters. If you are in a car and encounter a flash flood, get 9) and move to high ground. Before a flood: Turn 4) the electricity and water supplies • Move important furniture and items to the top floor of your home. Use sandbags to prevent water 5) entering your home. Arrange for any livestock to be moved to high ground . After a flood: Don't return to your home until the authorities say it is safe 10) , do so. • Clean all items that got wet in the flood. Ensure all electrical equipment has dried and an electrician has checked it 11) using it. Boil tap water before drinking 12) Listenina e Sali
1) where
2) is
3) your
4) off
6) to
9) out
11) before