Можете написать рассказ по English не меньше 10 предложений про различные катастрофы которые я привёл в списке ниже. 1.war 2.poverty 3.famine 4.global warming 5.endangered species 6.pollution 7.homelessness 8.child labour
Global warming has become a serious problem in modern world. It is referred to potential changes in climate, which can lead to the rise of global temperature. This term has been presented by scientists. They work hard trying to solve the problem. Otherwise, global warming can produce really dangerous climatic changes apart from a rise in temperature. For example, over the past 100 years the average temperature rise was about 1 degree. One of the most important reasons of global warming is the air pollution. We need to become more attentive and caring to it if we want to save our planet. There are several ways to do it. At first, we should start saving natural resources, such as water, wood, land and air. It would be a good idea to recycle the things that we don’t use anymore. Cars should switch to electric refueling, while factories shouldn’t isolate carbonic gas. We should also reduce the use of different sprays and lacquer, which destroy the ozone layer.