Можете с загадками. Who is standing at the blackboard?
2. This word has three syllables, but contains twenty-six letters?
3. It is not a tree, but has leaves;
It is not a dress, but is sewn together;
It has no tongue, but can tell you a story.
4.This little traveler is very strong.
He can run a thousand miles.
Before he starts, he takes off his hat.
When he rests, he puts it on.
5.What do pupils learn to do at school?
who started Olympic Games?
2 Does a Greek or Roman legend say that it was Hercules, son of Zeus,
who started Olympic Games?
3 A Greek legend says that it was Hercules, son of Zeus,
who started Olympic Games, doesn't it?
4 What says that it was Hercules, son of Zeus,
who started Olympic Games?
5 What does a Greek legend say?
1 Did the ancient Greeks call the four years an Olympiad?
2 Did the ancient Greeks call the four or five years an Olympiad?
3 The ancient Greeks called the four years an Olympiad, didn't they?
4 Who called the four years an Olympiad?
5 What did the ancient Greeks call an Olympiad?
1 Did the ancient Greeks stop the war if a war was going on in the country?
2 Did the ancient Greeks stop the war or the Games if a war was going on in the country?
3 The ancient Greeks stopped the war if a war was going on in the country, didn't they?
4 Who stopped the war if a war was going on in the country?
5 What did the ancient Greeks stop if a war was going on in the country?
1 Could only men take part in the Games?
2 Could only men or women take part in the Games?
3 Only men could take part in the Games, couldn't they?
4 Who could take part in the Games?
5 What could only men take part in?
вины за то, что я вскоре перестал есть мясо".
Когда я сказал моей маме я хотел быть вегетарианцем,она сауд,"Нет,Нет,нет".Но я поговорила с отцом и он сказал, что я могу.Мама отвела меня к врачу, который дал мне совет,и я чувствовал себя прекрасно с тех пор.Я отказалась от мяса, потому что я думаю, что это неправильно убивать животных.Куры и индейки в худшем-это как Домашние животные.Я ем яйца и сыр.
Я чувствую так сильно о вегетарианстве и я думаю, что это здоровый образ жизни.
Я чувствую себя очень гордым, потому что поворачивая vegetarianis нужно принять серьезное решение.Честно говоря,я не знаю, как люди могут не чувствовать себя виноватой во время еды сочный стейк.