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Можно ответы на все задания) 1. Fill in the missing word or phrase: add, villain, learning difficulties, box office, remain, action packed, impress, artist creativity, likeable, predictable.
1) Why does that artist want to … anonymous? I really want to know who made this stunning piece of work!
2) That artist had … when he was a young student, and only felt happy when he was painting.
3) Jane shows a lot of …; she should think about becoming a professional photographer.
4) This wall painting by a famous artist will … great value to the house, when they decide to sell it.
5) Joshua’s work is sure to … the judges at the art competition; the first prize is his!
6) This film was a … success when it came out.
7) Armageddon is a (n) … film that will have you on the edge of your seats!
8) Wall-E is an animated film directed by A. Stanton about a (n) … robot, Wall-E.
9) Some young people find the Indian films a bit too ….
10) The … in the film is a horrible character who wants to take over the world.

2. Complete the sentences using the correct form of the words in brackets.
1) Stunts in adventure films today are becoming (dangerous) than in the past.
2) The (talented) an artist is, the more chances he has of becoming famous.
3) The film Happy Feet wasn’t (adventurous) as the film Madagascar, and also Madagascar was (funny) than Happy Feet.
4) Pam’s voice is (good) than her sisters’, but she doesn’t feel (comfortable) singing in front of others.
5) The Four Seasons is Vivaldi’s (famous) work.
6) A kiln gets (hot) than a household oven.
7) The new artist is becoming (many) and (many) popular with teenager audiences.

3. Choose the correct item.
1) The author’s new book sold out very/completely fast.
2) The acting in this film was totally/ extremely perfect.
3) They are completely/rather worried that they will be late to the opening of the art show.
4) They wanted to buy a sculpture from the exhibition, but it was completely/rather expensive.
5) He would sooner/would prefer see a science fiction film than a comedy,
6) I would prefer/would rather go to a classical music concert than go to a rock concert.
7) Jane prefers/would rather going to the cinema on a weekday, when it’s not so crowded.
8) Tim would rather/would prefer to take pottery classes than learn how to sculp.

4. Match the responses to the questions.
1) Justin Timberlake’s new CD sounds amazing,
A) The Jonas Brothers. I absolutely love them. doesn’t it?
2) Are you and Sally coming to the reggae
B) Sure, count us in! concert with us?
3) What’s your favourite pop group?
C) It’s not a good idea. He prefers rock.
4) Why don’t we buy George a jazz CD for
D) Lots of different types. his birthday?
5) Did you like that band we heard last night?
E) Actually, it’s not really my kind of thing.
6) What sort of music do you like?
F) Yeah. They were pretty good.

5. Fill in: by, of, in, for, with. Alexander Sokurov is one of the most successful Russian film directors … all time and is particularly popular … fans of art cinema. He is best known … his film Russian Ark, released in 2002. Sergei Dontsov, who stars … the film, plays a stranger journeying through the halls of the Hermitage Museum in St. Petersburg. Sokurov creates a sort … dreamlike fantasy world in the film, similar to some films … Andrei Tarkovsky. Certainly, Sokurov is one of the finest film makers of our time. 6. Fill in: through, into, over, away, out of.
1) I ran … Bill yesterday at the library.
2) We should run … scene three one more time to be ready for our first performance.
3) Is it true that you ran … from home when you were young to join the circus?
4) I’ve run … milk – I’ll go and buy some.
5) Tom nearly ran … a dog on his way, so he stopped to check if it was alright.
6) She thought Sam was out of country, but she ran … him at the shopping centre.

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10.01.2020 00:25

Дуже багато людей продовжують кар’єру батьків, але це не два випадку зі мною. Моя мати - медсестра, а мій батько - вчитель історії 3, тоді як я хочу стати системним адміністратором, ака сисадміном. Адміністратор 4System - це спеклаліст, відповідальний за 5програмне забезпечення та доступні 6 мереж існуючих комп'ютерних систем, 7. та серверів, і, можливо, 8. впровадження та інтеграція нових технологій. Sysadmin 9., Встановлення, налаштування та 10 .. програмне забезпечення комп'ютера та 11 програмного забезпечення Його завдання також включають моніторинг файлів даних, виконання 12. та відновлення, усунення несправностей, навчання персоналу, 13 .. технічну підтримку користувачів та 14 .. документування. Він / вона відповідає за 15., видалення або оновлення 16. ..., облікових записів, а також за Інформацію 17 .. Слід зазначити, що 18 .. має бути складним з меншими комп'ютерними підключеннями 19 На відміну від багатьох 20 .. професіоналів, немає 21 .. шляху до того, щоб стати системним адміністратором. 22. у сисадмінів 23. У спорідненій галузі: комп’ютерний рівень, 24 .. технології, комп'ютерна інженерія та ін. 25 .., деякі школи почали пропонувати бакалаври в галузі системного управління. 26 ... Технологічний інститут 27 .. першим, хто це зробив, у 1992 році.


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08.12.2020 07:54
School really gives us a lot. This is a real school of life. We definitely get knowledge on school subjects. Besides, teachers teach us ethic, morality, discipline, speak properly and express our thoughts. Teachers help to form the basic life goals. Both public and private education have their own advantages and disadvantages. In a private school teachers more attentive to children. But not everyone can afford to pay for education. In a state school children are less arrogant and more friendly. But in a state school then give general knowledge without advanced study of definite subjects. I don't which school to study in b cause a lot depends on pupil's own efforts.
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