Mplete the examples from the text on page
100. Then complete the rules.
imaginary situation
possible consequence
If I you,
a different dress.
If the latest clothes, 1 popular.
1 We use + past simple and + infinitive to form
the second conditional.
2 We use the second conditional to talk about unreal
situations in the present or future / past.
As for me, I like idea of being healthy and strong and now I would like to tell you about two sides of the gold medal due to diet. First will be positive: while person eat healthy food in proper time and drink a lot of water, his or her organism will work more calm and digestive system will be happy. Negative side: your organism will be not ready for such changing and you will fell really exhausted and sad. So I will say that without doctors advice you must not keep any of diet, because the consequences won’t be happy.
I prefer do sports and eat healthy food in time. You can ran in the park or stadium every morning or evening, listen to music and be always in a good mood)