На виїзді з міста стоїть світлофор, який відкриває рух на 1 хвилину і потім
закриває на 2 хвилини. Такий режим роботи світлофора призводить до того, що
автомобілі виїжджають з міста групами. Оцініть, на якій відстані від міста (світло-
фора) зникає розподіл на групи автомобілів? Вважайте, що місто залишають автомобілі різних марок, швидкості яких лежать в діапазоні від 70 до 90 км/год.
They found their dog,but they didn't find their lunch.
-What did your teacher say about your homework?
-Oh,she liked my answer.
-Did you have a good trip in Italy?
- Yes,we saw a lot and had a good trip (вот только в реале так лучше не отвечать в разговоре - два раза have a good trip не очень приветствуется)But all our bags went to Spain(но логичнее было бы flew,так как они улетели все таки) .
Did you like the food in Italy?
Yes,I liked it a lot. I ate lots of spaghetti.But I knew it was so difficult (но фраза нелогичная,можно сказать- But you know,it was so difficult)
The man asked me if I could say about the language they spoke.
Mary said that he had lived in Samara for five years.
The reporter asked how she had lost her voice.
My elder sister said that she had written a letter to Alice.
My father asked me if I would help him to do that work the next day.
Angela said that she was too late that day.
He wanted to know what was on the radio.
Mark said that he would take some medicine.
Pete told his mother that he had got a “two” in Math that day.
Her friend asked she had already seen that film.
Father said that it was too cold to go skiing.
Chaga's parents questioned him if he was happy then.
The teacher asked him where the first books had been printed.
Mother said that there had been seven nice cups on the table.
The king said that he wanted to have the magic carpet the next day.
The boy wondered why there were free newspapers.
The prince told the girl that he would help her to get her ball.
Chaga asked Bokhari what he was doing there.
The doctor asked me how many hamburgers I had eaten.