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10.08.2022 06:30 •  Английский язык

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Present Simple Tense
Выберите правильный вариант формы Present Simple

1. My brother (to go) to the youth club every Thursday.
a. go b) goes c) to goes
2. The plane (to take off) at 07:00 a.m. and (to land) at 11:00 a.m.
a. takes off, lands b) will take off, will land c) take off, land
3. What your opinion about this new article?
a. are b) do c) is
4. You are very allergic. Why ___ you eat so much chocolate?
a. does b) do c) –
5. Every year Sally (to meet) her classmates at the party on October 31.
a. meet b) meets c) to meet
6. Paula (to work) very hard. She is a great specialist.
a. work b) not work c) works
7. Uh! You always (to cook) spaghetti. Can you cook something else?
a. cooking b) cooks c) cook
8. My teacher often (to use) a computer during our lesson.
a. uses b) is using c) to use
9. Sometimes we (to organize) weddings and anniversaries.
a. are organizing b) organize c) organizing
10. you see each other every day?
a. does b) are c) do
11. Our new neighbor (not speak) Russian. He (to speak) Greek.
a. doesn’t speak, speaks b) don’t speak, speak c) not speak, speak
12. your friend repair his car twice a year?
a. does b) is c) do
13. When his birthday?
a. does b) - c) is
14. The Earth (to move) round the Sun.
a. moves b) is moving c) moved
15. ___ they have a discount card ? I want to buy some goods.
a. - b) are c) do
Past Simple Tense

Выберите правильный вариант формы PastSimple
1. It (to be) a very difficult job.
a. is b) was c) were
2. I (to see) a woman yesterday. I think I know her.
a. see b) seed c) saw
3. A lot of reporters (to be) at the conference last week.
a. were b) was c) be
4. ___ you buy his beautiful house in 2009?
a. do b) were c) did
5. Last winter we (to move) to Italy.
a. moved b) move c) did move
6. He (not live) in Boston in 2001.
a. doesn’t live b) didn’t live c) not live
7. When ___ Mag finish school?
a. was b) is c) did
8. That house (to lose) its roof in the storm 2 years ago.
a. lost b) lose c) losed
9. Jenny (to work) at a circus last spring.
a. works b) did work c) worked
10. We (to find) a nice place on that island. It was great holidays.
a. found b) finded c) find
11. When Jane decide to look for a new job?
a. did b) was c) –
12. My brother (not help) me with the washing-up yesterday.
a. don’t help b) didn’t help c) not help
13. Lucy (to study) at English school a year ago.
a. studied b) studies c) did study
14. It (to be) very difficult test. I (to look up) many words in dictionary.
a. was, looked up b) were, looked up c) was, was looking up
15. George’s father (to come) to us the day before yesterday.
a. come b) comed c) came

Future Simple Tense
Выберите правильный вариант формы FutureSimple
1. After classes I (to go) to English club.
a. will go b) go c) am go
2. The meeting (to hold) tomorrow.
a. is hold b) will hold c) hold
3. Penny come back next week?
a. will be b) - c) will
4. When we get a Paddington station, I (to send) you a postcard.
a. will send b) send c)’l send
5. Next month our family (to sell) a big van.
a. sell b) sells c) will sell
6. If the bus doesn’t come soon, she (to be) late.
a. is b) will c) will be
7. What happen if that box drops?
a. will b) will be c) –
8. Martin (to buy) a new jacket next autumn.
a. buys b) buy c) will buy
9. Kate (not marry) Bill. She loves another man.
a. won’t marry b) marry c) not marry
10. you invite me to your party tomorrow?
a. are b) do c) will
11. My children (to finish) school next year.
a. will finish b) are finish c) –
12. Where they go for their holidays?
a. do b) will c) will be
13. Don’t worry! He (to find) your keys.
a. finds b) will find c) will be find
14. If Santa Claus presents him a lap top, he (to be) happy.
a. will be b) be c) will
15. If you can’t find our house, we (to draw) a map for you.
a. draw b) are draw c) will draw

Показать ответ
04.04.2020 07:16

Olympic games and Kazakhstan

July 17 at 11:35 am

 Taufik KARIMOV, a political analyst

On the eve of the main sporting event of the quadrennial year-the London Olympics-let's remember the achievements of Kazakhstani athletes at the Olympic games of our time.

Participation of Kazakhstani athletes in the Olympic games of our time should be divided into two parts – first as part of the USSR national team, and then, after independence, as part of the national team under its national flag.

However, first I want to warn readers – here you will see some discrepancies with the generally accepted data. For example, it is believed that for the first time Kazakhstan took part in the Olympics in 1956, in my opinion – in 1952 (then, by the way, the first medal was won, and not in 1960, as it is believed).

The first Olympic champion-Kazakh in official sources is called the wrestler Zhaksylyk USHKEMPIROV (1980), although in fact this is Alzhan ZHARMUKHAMEDOV (1972). Without detracting from the merits of our outstanding athlete, we just note that Ushkempirov is indeed the first Kazakh Olympic champion who represented Kazakhstan directly. And Kazakh Zharmukhamedov, who became the champion of the Munich Olympics in the Soviet basketball team, then lived in Moscow and played for CSKA. Then we all lived in a single state called the USSR, and it often happened that the best athletes, and not only from Kazakhstan, played for other Union republics. However, in order

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23.08.2020 08:35
2 Hello John. Oh, no, it's a message. He isn't there. Mmm. John, please listen to this message. Can you go to the shops and get some things for dinner? We need (1) SOME fish, and (2) A box of eggs. Mmm. I think we have (3) SOME potatoes, but we don't have (4) ANY onions. Do we have (5) ANY carrots? Can you check? Please buy (6)  SOME cheese, and I'd like (7) A carton of orange juice. That's it. Oh... we don't have (8)ANY butter - can you get some? Thanks. See you later. 

A: Hello, Mrs Lovett. How are you ?
B: Oh, hello Sonia. (1) I 'm fine thanks.
A: How's your husband?
B: (2) HE 's fine. He works in the supermarket now.
A: Yes, I know. I see (3) HIM when I do my shopping. And how are the twins, Jake and Jerry?
B: Oh. (4)THEY are very well.
A: Do they go to school on the hus?
B: No. l take (5)  THEM with (6) ___ __ in the car every morning. 
A: Who is their teacher?
B: It's Mrs Moore. Do you know (7) HER?
A: Yes, I do. (8) SHE lives in our street. She always says 'Hello' to (9)ME. 

6 что-то не могу сообразить что там " нет, я забираю ИХ с на машине каждое утро..." 
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