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Вы двое друзей. Вы хотели бы провести год в американской средней школе. Что вам понравилось или не понравилось? Обсудить проблему. Школьные предметы, o униформа, o внеклассные мероприятия, o оборудование и средства, o свободное время.
I don't know much about computers, devices, or anything like that , but I have to admit that I really can't imagine life without my iPod! It's amazing to be able to store your entire music collection in one tiny device . I like to listen to it when I go to school and on the way back. Besides, I would find it almost impossible to live without my mobile phone. I just can't organize my social life without it , and my parents let me go out late on Saturday if I call them . They want to know where I am. I just bought a digital camera with my birthday money. This is fantastic. I took a lot of photos of my friends. In fact, I'm even considering a career as a photographer