Text 2
1. Employers want to select employees who have or who can learn the skills necessary to do the job.
2. Most employers will not hire people who are not dependable or who cannot get along with others.
3. Thus, they want to learn as much as possible about the skills, dependability and personal characteristics of prospective employees.
4. Depending on the job you are applying for, you might have to complete an application form, participate in one or more employment interviews, submit a resume, take a test, have a physical examination, or submit references, samples of your work, and copies of your school records.
5. Each of these steps in the employment process provides the employer with important information about you.
3. Find in the text above the English equivalents of the following words
and word combinations.
Предприниматели; работники; навыки; отбор работника (надежность работника); личные качества; претендовать на (работу); сдать экзамен; пройти медицинское обследование; представить резюме и рекомендации.
4. Which statements are correct
1. Employers want to select only such employees who already have the necessary skills.
2. Most employers will hire only dependable people.
3. The employers want to learn all except your personal characteristics.
4. You might have to take a test when applying for a job.
5. You are never requested to submit references or school records.
Text 3
1. Many people believe that answering newspaper want ads is the best method to use.
2. Job advertisements are found in the classified advertising section of newspapers.
3. Want ads are also found in professional journals.
4. There are two main types of want ads: "Help wanted" and "Jobs wanted". You should read the want ads for two reasons: first, to learn more general information about jobs that are available; second, to learn specific information about a particular job that is of interest to you.
5. The ad may tell the education and work experience that are required for the job, the location of the job, the working hours, and the pay.
6. It also tells you how to apply for the particular job.
7. Avoid ads that make unrealistic offers.
8. If an ad suggests that you will make a lot of money quickly and
easily, do not apply for that job.
5. Find in the text above the English equivalents of the following words
and word combinations.
Объявление; подходящая работа; профессиональные журналы; объявления о приеме на работу; «требуются на работу»; «ищу работу»; профессиональный опыт; местонахождение фирмы; рабочий день; оплата; нереальные предложения; заработать много денег.
There he meets new friends, learns science.
In school, you learn a lot.
Teachers are taught to read, write , draw, solve complex problems and examples .
Also in elementary school formed worldview and character , new friends will help you with that .
For the first time in the school the child meets the challenges that decides , and thereby gaining experience.
In elementary school, you can find out what you like best : mathematics , literature , painting, music, etc.
And choose your destination you can do it all your life.
In elementary school, decided whether you will work hard or be lazy all my life, what you will do next , as you gain new friends and know the world .
В 7 лет каждый ребенок идет в начальную школу.
Там он знакомиться с новыми друзьями , познает науки.
В школе узнаешь много нового.
Учителя учат писать ,читать,рисовать,решать сложные примеры и задачи.
Также в начальной школе формируется мировозрение и характер , новые друзья тебе в этом.
Впервые в школе ребенок встречается с проблемами,которые сам решает и тем самым набирает жизненного опыта.
В начальной школе можно узнать что тебе больше нравиться:математика,литература,рисование,музыка и т.д.
И выбрав направление ты можешь заниматься этим всю свою жизнь.
В начальной школе решается будешь ли ты усердно трудиться или же лениться всю жизнь,чем ты будешь заниматься дальше, также ты обретаешь новых друзей,познаешь мир.