Внужную форму поставь и вставь 1. закончите предложения. использовать о, для, от, из, в, для. 1. мать джона сетует __ постоянное использование мобильного телефона. 2. моя бабушка меня __ ей. 3. я сделаю все, чтобы помешать вам__ пойду туда. 4. мы с нетерпением ждем __ наш визит в грецию. 5. мы не собираемся участвовать __ украшающие зал. 6. они уверены, что александр виновен__ распространяя такие слухи. 7. мои родители категорически против _мы работать на компьютере более 3 часов в день. 2. перевести эти предложения на язык. 1. кто будет первым, чтобы закончить работу? 2. джон является трудным человеком, чтобы понять. 3. джеймс-это человек, чтобы просить о . 4. котенок был последним, чтобы знать правду. 5. я думаю, что это самая интересная книга читать. 3. закончите предложения с инфинитивами: чтобы понять, лететь, читать, знать, купить, увидеть. 1. это книга для 2. она будет последним человеком __ правду. 3. старушка сложно4. заполнить пропущенные слова для заве
Self-esteem is a very interesting thing. Literally, the word means your own assessment of yourself. In reality, for the most part, we blindly arrogate to ourselves, and then reproduce those assessments, those relationships that parents or other significant people gave us in childhood, calling all this “wealth” self-esteem. Self-esteem, or rather the self-attitude of an adult person begins with the child's self-esteem, is formed in childhood. Agree, as a man learned to walk, ride a bike, hold a racket when playing tennis, as he automatically continues to do. No wonder they say: "Habit is second nature." Any teacher will tell you: it is much harder to retrain than to teach correctly from the beginning. It’s much easier to keep doing the old things! What we are doing is automatically continuing to evaluate ourselves and treat ourselves as we were treated in childhood. There is a lot of automatism in our life! And that, on the one hand, is good! Imagine if EVERY action, such as brushing your teeth, needs to be re-mastered daily, a nightmare! However, automatism is bad, because we have “memorized” many actions, and they have already lost relevance, or we have memorized them altogether wrong. And out of habit, we continue to AUTOMATICALLY negatively think about ourselves (low self-esteem), to believe in attitudes that make us unhappy!
Self-esteem is a very interesting thing. Literally, the word means your own assessment of yourself. In reality, for the most part, we blindly arrogate to ourselves, and then reproduce those assessments, those relationships that parents or other significant people gave us in childhood, calling all this “wealth” self-esteem. Self-esteem, or rather the self-attitude of an adult person begins with the child's self-esteem, is formed in childhood. Agree, as a man learned to walk, ride a bike, hold a racket when playing tennis, as he automatically continues to do. No wonder they say: "Habit is second nature." Any teacher will tell you: it is much harder to retrain than to teach correctly from the beginning. It’s much easier to keep doing the old things! What we are doing is automatically continuing to evaluate ourselves and treat ourselves as we were treated in childhood. There is a lot of automatism in our life! And that, on the one hand, is good! Imagine if EVERY action, such as brushing your teeth, needs to be re-mastered daily, a nightmare! However, automatism is bad, because we have “memorized” many actions, and they have already lost relevance, or we have memorized them altogether wrong. And out of habit, we continue to AUTOMATICALLY negatively think about ourselves (low self-esteem), to believe in attitudes that make us unhappy!