Name the functions of the infinitives in the following sentences. (Object, Subject, Predicative, Predicate и т.д.) 1. To walk alone late at night is very dangerous.
2. Our plan is to work during our summer vacation and then buy a
3. She asked me to buy five carnations for our mother for the 8th of March.
4 .I have no desire to order these books.
5. He is always the last to come to work.
6. He worked hard not to lag behind the other people.
7. Take a taxi so as not to miss the train.
8. The device to be tested has been brought to our library.
9. To read is a great pleasure.
10. Last night I awakened to hear a nightingale sing.
According to Slavic folk traditions, Easter cakes acted as a ritual bread that was baked usually before the sowing of sour fermented dough. This bread was sacrificed earth elements or ancestors, to gain their support, and to ensure the fertility of the earth and abundant harvest.
Over time, the Christian and pagan traditions are inextricably intertwined in the national consciousness. And if its value was mainly Christian, at the household level, the peasants continued its active use in producing and protective rituals[1].
volleyball ['vɔlɪbɔːl] - волейбол
boxing ['bɔksɪŋ] - бокс
jumping ['ʤʌmpɪŋ] - прыжки
tennis ['tenɪs] - теннис
football ['futbɔːl] - футбол
gymnastics [ʤɪm'næstɪks] - гимнастика
basketball ['bɑːskɪtbɔːl] - баскетбол
weight-lifting ['weɪtˌlɪftɪŋ] - тяжёлая атлетика
skiing ['skiːɪŋ] - лыжный спорт
skating ['skeɪtɪŋ] - конькобежный спорт
swimming ['swɪmɪŋ] - плавание
acrobatics — акробатика
aerobics — аэробика
alpinism — альпинизм
archery — стрельба из лука; мастерство стрельбы из лука
arm wrestling — армрестлинг (борьба на руках: побеждает тот, кто сможет прижать руку соперника к столу)
athletics — атлетика; занятия спортом
auto cross-country - авто кросс
baseball — бейсбол
basketball — баскетбол
biathlon — биатлон
boat racing — гребля
boxing — бокс (олимпийская дисциплина)
polo — поло (командная игра в мяч верхом на лошадях)
race — состязание в беге или в скорости; гонка, гонки; скачки; бега
rally — ралли, авторалли
relay-race — эстафетный
running — беганье, беготня
shaping — шейпинг
shooting — стрельба
skating — катание на коньках
skiing — катание на лыжах
struggle — борьба
sumo — сумо (японская борьба)
surfing — сёрфинг
swimming — плавание; купание (в водоёме)
tennis — теннис (олимпийская дисциплина)
tournament — турнир, соревнование
valley-ball — волейбол
walking — ходьба
windsurfing — виндсёрфинг