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Написать абстрактное письмо, то есть пересказ текста при этом уложиться в 100 слов main alternatives to venture capital because of the strict requirements venture capitalists have for potential investments, many entrepreneurs seek seed funding from angel investors, who may be more willing to invest in highly speculative opportunities, or may have a prior relationship with the entrepreneur. furthermore, many venture capital firms will only seriously evaluate an investment in a start-up company otherwise unknown to them if the company can prove at least some of its claims about the technology and/or market potential for its product or services. to achieve this, or even just to avoid the dilutive effects of receiving funding before such claims are proven, many start-ups seek to self-finance sweat equity until they reach a point where they can credibly approach outside capital providers such as venture capitalists or angel investors. this practice is called "bootstrapping". there has been some debate since the dot com boom that a "funding gap" has developed between the friends and family investments typically in the $0 to $250,000 range and the amounts that most vc funds prefer to invest between $1 million to $2 million. this funding gap may be accentuated by the fact that some successful vc funds have been drawn to raise ever-larger funds, requiring them to search for correspondingly larger investment opportunities. this gap is often filled by sweat equity and seed funding via angel investors as well as equity investment companies who specialize in investments in startup companies from the range of $250,000 to $1 million. the national venture capital association estimates that the latter now invest more than $30 billion a year in the usa in contrast to the $20 billion a year invested by organized venture capital funds. in industries where assets can be securitized effectively because they reliably generate future revenue streams or have a good potential for resale in case of foreclosure, businesses may more cheaply be able to raise debt to finance their growth. good examples would include asset-intensive extractive industries such as mining, or manufacturing industries. offshore funding is provided via specialist venture capital trusts, which seek to utilise securitization in structuring hybrid multi-market transactions via an spv (special purpose vehicle): a corporate entity that is designed solely for the purpose of the financing. crowd funding is emerging as an alternative to traditional venture capital. crowd funding is an approach to raising the capital required for a new project or enterprise by appealing to large numbers of ordinary people for small donations. while such an approach has long precedents in the sphere of charity, it is receiving renewed attention from entrepreneurs such as independent film makers, now that social media and online communities make it possible to reach out to a group of potentially interested supporters at very low cost. some crowd funding models are also being applied for startup funding, for example, grow vc. one of the reason to look for alternatives to venture capital is the problem of the traditional vc model. the traditional vcs are shifting their focus to later-stage investments, and return on investment of many vc funds have been low or negative.

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04.03.2022 16:15
1.) As a young woman, Mercédès is kind of one-dimensional character. She's beautiful, exotic, and faithful. She has a kind heart. She's happy for Edmond when he returns and she cries for him when he's taken away. She tolerates Fernand, despite his threatening demeanor, and lets him know that she's willing to sacrifice her life if he should try to hurt Edmond. What more could you ask for in a woman? Well, maybe a little more character development. But then we meet older Mercédès, Fernand's wife. What's the deal with her? How could she have abandoned Edmond? He was only gone for like, fourteen years right? What an ungrateful…wait, what's that? FOURTEEN YEARS? OK, sure, she married a big jerk, but on the plus side she raised a pretty cool, if cocky, son. She's one of the first characters to recognize Monte Cristo as Edmond; she accepts her fate and leaves quickly after Fernand is exposed, and she's suitably chastened by the experience. So, looking at all that you'd think she might deserve a break, right? Heck, she even has to send her only son away to war. Mercédès ends up being her own harshest critic: "You did have faith," she tells Edmond, "you had strength, you trusted in God, and God sustained you. I was a coward, I denied Him, so God abandoned me; and here I am!" (112.105). This is the last we hear of Mercédès. The Count moves on, finds love with Haydée, and rides off into the sunset. Meanwhile, Mercédès left to live in the old Dantès apartment in Marseille, left to cry herself to sleep, just as she was left to cry when Edmond was taken away to prison. Unwilling to "hope" and "wait" – the two things the Count tells Valentine and Maximillian they must do – she suffers as a result. But, really, hasn't she suffered enough? Is this punishment really called for?
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20.06.2022 20:53
Winter Holidays
Do you like the winter holidays? Well I do many people enjoy the winter holidays for different reasons. I enjoy the winter holidays because there is no school, you can spend time with your family and you can enjoy the winter season.
First of all, you have no stress. You could spend your time playing video games and sports. We also don’t have homework which means we have more free time. We have no school that means we don’t have to be in classes that we don’t enjoy.
During the winter holidays anther great thing is that we get to spend time with family. We also get the chance to travel with your family and visit places like New York, Los Angeles, and Quebec. Also one of the great things we get to do is that we get to spend time with your siblings by playing video games and other actives.
Lastly, we get to enjoy the winter seasons by playing in the snow, making snow man, making snow angles. Another great thing about the winter season is that we get to drink hot chocolate and eat marshmallows
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