Написать эссе по
comment on the following statement.
some people believe that in the future people will live in healthy cities
where special conditions will be organized to provide people’s healthy lifestyle.
what is your opinion?
w rite 200—250 words.
use the following plan:
- make an introduction (state the problem)
- express your personal opinion and give 2-3 reasons for your opinion
- express an opposing opinion and give 1-2 reasons for this opposing
- explain why you don’t agree with the opposing opinion
- make a conclusion restating your position
Literary genres in tables
lyroepic (ballad, poem).
Literary genres in tables
epic, that is, genres of prose (epic novel, novel, story, story, short story, parable, fairy tale);
lyric, that is, poetic genres (lyric poem, elegy, message, ode, epigram, epitaph),
dramatic - types of plays (comedy, tragedy, drama, tragicomedy),
lyroepic (ballad, poem).
Литературные жанры
эпические, то есть жанры прозы (роман-эпопея, роман, повесть, рассказ, новелла, притча, сказка);
лирические, то есть жанры поэтические (лирическое стихотворение, элегия, послание, ода, эпиграмма, эпитафия),
драматические – типы пьес (комедия, трагедия, драма, трагикомедия),
лироэпические ( , поэма).
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