Was a man whose wife was dumb. He was very sorry for her and never abandoned hope that they find a cure for her. A few years passed and one man found a doctor who promised to help. After a difficult surgery, the wife returned home. And... a miracle! She was able to speak! The man was very happy, but his happiness did not last long; as soon as the woman started talking, she couldn't stop. She told day and night, and it was beginning to drive her husband crazy. Finally, he decided enough is enough and went back to the doctor who did the surgery. The man asked the doctor helped him again and done his wife is dumb, same as it was before. The doctor just shook his head. "I'm sorry I can't make your wife dumb again," he said, "but if it makes you so unhappy, I can make you deaf".
Раскрыть скобки. пассивный залог. 1) В 2002 году эта книга (продается) где угодно. 2) Мягкий климат обычно (не делают) людям никакого вреда. 3) Ислад всегда (мыть) водой. 4) Этот текст (прочитанный) на последнем уроке. 5) мы (дышим) воздух. 6) Фотографии (рисунки) моего сына, когда он был ребенком. 7) Теплая одежда (не изнашивается) летом. 8) В году было много лесов (ожог) от пожаров. 9) Волк (убил) вчера охотников. 10) Обычно крокодилы (не держатся) дома. 11) Информация (дается) полицейскому, потому что он об этом спрашивал. 12) Мороженое (молоко). 13) Помидоры (купить) на ужин 3 часа назад. 14) Победа (победа) в 1945 году.