Английский язык является основным и наиболее широко распространенный язык в мире. Это государственный язык м пять стран: Великобритания, Канада, США, Австралия и Новая Зеландия. Во многих странах Азии и Африки, за исключением языковых людей родных говорить по-английски. Говорить по-английски и Европу. Английский, язык является общим практически во всех mire.ya считает, что каждый образованный человек должен говорить по-английски, потому что это язык общения, бизнеса, науки и культуры ЭТО ПЕРЕВОД
Is located, was constructed, were grown, were planted, was turned into, were held, were brought, were installed, was pumpe, named, was separated, are known, was restored
1. Yes, opposite the fortress. 2. No, for the family. 3. by Peter 4. with mable statues and amazing fountains 5. because the water for the fountains was pumped from it 6. Cast-iron railings
1. Where was the Garden laid out? 2. Where were the statues brought from? 3. What was held there in summer? 4. Why were the fountains installed? 5. Where was water pumped from? 6. What was the Garden separated by? 7. When was the Garden restored?
1. Yes, opposite the fortress.
2. No, for the family.
3. by Peter
4. with mable statues and amazing fountains
5. because the water for the fountains was pumped from it
6. Cast-iron railings
1. Where was the Garden laid out?
2. Where were the statues brought from?
3. What was held there in summer?
4. Why were the fountains installed?
5. Where was water pumped from?
6. What was the Garden separated by?
7. When was the Garden restored?