The English have given (Present Perfect Active) the world the system of English law that has (Present Simple Active) its origins in Anglo-Saxon times. Two of its hallmarks are (Present Simple Active) its preference for customary law (the common law), and its system of application by locally appointed part-time magistrates, by locally chosen juries, and by the travelling judges going from one county town to another on circuit. Other aspects of the English law are (Present Simple Active) the fundamental assumption that an accused person is deemed (Present Simple Passive) innocent until proved guilty and the independence of the judiciary from intervention by crown or government in the judicial process. The legal system is divided (Present Simple Passive) into civil and criminal courts. The House of Lords is (Present Simple Active) the ultimate court of appeal for both civil and criminal cases. At the base of the criminal court system, the magistrates’ courts try (Present Simple Active) more than 97 percent of the criminal cases. More serious criminal cases then go (Present Simple Active) to the Crown Court, which has (Present Simple Active) 90 branches in different towns and cities. In 1971 the Crown Courts replaced (Past Simple Active) the individual courts, and it is (Present Simple Active) now a single court that may sit (Present Simple Active) anywhere in England, deal with (Present Simple Active) any trial on indictment, and hear (Present Simple Active) appeals and proceedings either on a sentence or on civil matters. Civil cases are dealt with (Present Simple Passive) in County courts. Certain cases may be referred (Present Simple Passive) to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The legal system of Great Britain also includes (Present Simple Active) juvenile courts which deal with (Present Simple Active) offenders under seventeen, and coroners’ courts which investigate (Present Simple Active) violent or unnatural death. Tribunals deal with (Present Simple Active) professional standards, disputes between individuals, and between individuals and government departments.
A person pollutes the environment with household and industrial waste. It is a by-product of civilization. Factory and chimneys hundreds of years ago threw clouds of black poisonous coal smoke into the air. Now there are even more factories, and with them substances that poison the air, water and land: they are even in Antarctica and on the peaks of the Himalayas. So far, we can only limit harmful emissions, recycle household waste and waste, and also use materials that are decomposed by living organisms, for example, soil bacteria.
The ozone layer traps the sun's ultraviolet rays that cause skin cancer.
На фоне хронического загрязнения окружающей среды иногда случаются экологические катастрофы. Например, в случае аварии нефть выливается из трюма танкера и образует огромное пятно на поверхности океана. Нефть покрывает животных смертельным пятном. Хлорфтор углероды, которые используются в производстве холодильников и аэрозольных , поднимаясь в верхние слои атмосферы, разрушают озоновый слой. Недавно над Арктикой и Антарктикой были обнаружены опасные «озоновые дыры», и их число продолжает увеличиваться. Выхлопные газы содержат оксиды азота, а при сжигании угля на электростанциях выделяется диоксид серы.
Na fone khronicheskogo zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy inogda sluchayutsya ekologicheskiye katastrofy. Naprimer, v sluchaye avarii neft' vylivayetsya iz tryuma tankera i obrazuyet ogromnoye pyatno na poverkhnosti okeana. Neft' pokryvayet zhivotnykh smertel'nym pyatnom. Khlorftor uglerody, kotoryye ispol'zuyutsya v proizvodstve kholodil'nikov i aerozol'nykh ballonchikov, podnimayas' v verkhniye sloi atmosfery, razrushayut ozonovyy sloy. Nedavno nad Arktikoy i Antarktikoy byli obnaruzheny opasnyye «ozonovyye dyry», i ikh chislo prodolzhayet uvelichivat'sya. Vykhlopnyye gazy soderzhat oksidy azota, a pri szhiganii uglya na elektrostantsiyakh vydelyayetsya dioksid sery.
Against the background of chronic environmental pollution, environmental disasters sometimes occur. For example, in the event of an accident, oil spills out of the hold of a tanker and forms a huge slick on the ocean surface. The oil covers animals with a death stain. Chlorofluorine carbons, which are used in the manufacture of refrigerators and aerosol cans, rise to the upper atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer. Dangerous ozone holes have recently been discovered over the Arctic and Antarctic, and their number continues to increase. Exhaust gases contain nitrogen oxides, and when coal is burned in power plants, sulfur dioxide is released.
Соединяясь в воздухе с водой, эти вещества превращаются в кислоты, которые затем выпадают вместе с дождем. Кислотные дожди разрушают здания, разрушают леса и пруды. Новые технологии могут снизить выбросы, но это требует колоссальных затрат.
Ядовитые и другие опасные отходы часто захоронены. В этом случае они убивают все живое вокруг, растекаясь водой. Северное море, когда-то богатое рыбой, теперь почти полностью отравлено.
Soyedinyayas' v vozdukhe s vodoy, eti veshchestva prevrashchayutsya v kisloty, kotoryye zatem vypadayut vmeste s dozhdem. Kislotnyye dozhdi razrushayut zdaniya, razrushayut lesa i prudy. Novyye tekhnologii mogut snizit' vybrosy, no eto trebuyet kolossal'nykh zatrat.
Yadovityye i drugiye opasnyye otkhody chasto zakhoroneny. V etom sluchaye oni ubivayut vse zhivoye vokrug, rastekayas' vodoy. Severnoye more, kogda-to bogatoye ryboy, teper' pochti polnost'yu otravleno.
Combining with water in the air, these substances turn into acids, which then fall out with rain. Acid rain destroys buildings, forests and ponds. New technologies can reduce emissions, but this is costly.
Poisonous and other hazardous waste is often buried. In this case, they kill all living things around them by spreading water. The North Sea, once rich in fish, is now almost completely poisoned. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”
The English have given (Present Perfect Active) the world the system of English law that has (Present Simple Active) its origins in Anglo-Saxon times. Two of its hallmarks are (Present Simple Active) its preference for customary law (the common law), and its system of application by locally appointed part-time magistrates, by locally chosen juries, and by the travelling judges going from one county town to another on circuit. Other aspects of the English law are (Present Simple Active) the fundamental assumption that an accused person is deemed (Present Simple Passive) innocent until proved guilty and the independence of the judiciary from intervention by crown or government in the judicial process. The legal system is divided (Present Simple Passive) into civil and criminal courts. The House of Lords is (Present Simple Active) the ultimate court of appeal for both civil and criminal cases. At the base of the criminal court system, the magistrates’ courts try (Present Simple Active) more than 97 percent of the criminal cases. More serious criminal cases then go (Present Simple Active) to the Crown Court, which has (Present Simple Active) 90 branches in different towns and cities. In 1971 the Crown Courts replaced (Past Simple Active) the individual courts, and it is (Present Simple Active) now a single court that may sit (Present Simple Active) anywhere in England, deal with (Present Simple Active) any trial on indictment, and hear (Present Simple Active) appeals and proceedings either on a sentence or on civil matters. Civil cases are dealt with (Present Simple Passive) in County courts. Certain cases may be referred (Present Simple Passive) to the European Court of Justice in Luxembourg. The legal system of Great Britain also includes (Present Simple Active) juvenile courts which deal with (Present Simple Active) offenders under seventeen, and coroners’ courts which investigate (Present Simple Active) violent or unnatural death. Tribunals deal with (Present Simple Active) professional standards, disputes between individuals, and between individuals and government departments.
A person pollutes the environment with household and industrial waste. It is a by-product of civilization. Factory and chimneys hundreds of years ago threw clouds of black poisonous coal smoke into the air. Now there are even more factories, and with them substances that poison the air, water and land: they are even in Antarctica and on the peaks of the Himalayas. So far, we can only limit harmful emissions, recycle household waste and waste, and also use materials that are decomposed by living organisms, for example, soil bacteria.
The ozone layer traps the sun's ultraviolet rays that cause skin cancer.
На фоне хронического загрязнения окружающей среды иногда случаются экологические катастрофы. Например, в случае аварии нефть выливается из трюма танкера и образует огромное пятно на поверхности океана. Нефть покрывает животных смертельным пятном. Хлорфтор углероды, которые используются в производстве холодильников и аэрозольных , поднимаясь в верхние слои атмосферы, разрушают озоновый слой. Недавно над Арктикой и Антарктикой были обнаружены опасные «озоновые дыры», и их число продолжает увеличиваться. Выхлопные газы содержат оксиды азота, а при сжигании угля на электростанциях выделяется диоксид серы.
Na fone khronicheskogo zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy inogda sluchayutsya ekologicheskiye katastrofy. Naprimer, v sluchaye avarii neft' vylivayetsya iz tryuma tankera i obrazuyet ogromnoye pyatno na poverkhnosti okeana. Neft' pokryvayet zhivotnykh smertel'nym pyatnom. Khlorftor uglerody, kotoryye ispol'zuyutsya v proizvodstve kholodil'nikov i aerozol'nykh ballonchikov, podnimayas' v verkhniye sloi atmosfery, razrushayut ozonovyy sloy. Nedavno nad Arktikoy i Antarktikoy byli obnaruzheny opasnyye «ozonovyye dyry», i ikh chislo prodolzhayet uvelichivat'sya. Vykhlopnyye gazy soderzhat oksidy azota, a pri szhiganii uglya na elektrostantsiyakh vydelyayetsya dioksid sery.
Against the background of chronic environmental pollution, environmental disasters sometimes occur. For example, in the event of an accident, oil spills out of the hold of a tanker and forms a huge slick on the ocean surface. The oil covers animals with a death stain. Chlorofluorine carbons, which are used in the manufacture of refrigerators and aerosol cans, rise to the upper atmosphere and destroy the ozone layer. Dangerous ozone holes have recently been discovered over the Arctic and Antarctic, and their number continues to increase. Exhaust gases contain nitrogen oxides, and when coal is burned in power plants, sulfur dioxide is released.
Соединяясь в воздухе с водой, эти вещества превращаются в кислоты, которые затем выпадают вместе с дождем. Кислотные дожди разрушают здания, разрушают леса и пруды. Новые технологии могут снизить выбросы, но это требует колоссальных затрат.
Ядовитые и другие опасные отходы часто захоронены. В этом случае они убивают все живое вокруг, растекаясь водой. Северное море, когда-то богатое рыбой, теперь почти полностью отравлено.
Soyedinyayas' v vozdukhe s vodoy, eti veshchestva prevrashchayutsya v kisloty, kotoryye zatem vypadayut vmeste s dozhdem. Kislotnyye dozhdi razrushayut zdaniya, razrushayut lesa i prudy. Novyye tekhnologii mogut snizit' vybrosy, no eto trebuyet kolossal'nykh zatrat.
Yadovityye i drugiye opasnyye otkhody chasto zakhoroneny. V etom sluchaye oni ubivayut vse zhivoye vokrug, rastekayas' vodoy. Severnoye more, kogda-to bogatoye ryboy, teper' pochti polnost'yu otravleno.
Combining with water in the air, these substances turn into acids, which then fall out with rain. Acid rain destroys buildings, forests and ponds. New technologies can reduce emissions, but this is costly.
Poisonous and other hazardous waste is often buried. In this case, they kill all living things around them by spreading water. The North Sea, once rich in fish, is now almost completely poisoned. In the meantime, there is no need to know about it. ”