Нет ничего лучше, чем проснуться ясным, морозным утром под стук колес. Встать, пройтись вдоль спальных мест, мерно покачиваясь в такт движению поезда.В такие минуты, когда ты предоставлен сам себе, мысли особенно заполняют твой разум. Глядя на мгновенно сменяющиеся пейзажи за окном хочется верить только в лучшее. Поезд стучит. Так же быстро мчится жизнь, ведь она тоже сродни путешествию в поезде, и хочется верить, что все же в конце путешествия ты унесешься в лучшее время. Время где мы всегда будем немного детьми. Время, где запах от печек поезда будоражит ум и сердце. Поезд мерно покачивается. Жизнь продолжается. There is nothing better than waking up on a clear, frosty morning by the rattle of wheels. Get up, walk along the beds, rhythmically swaying to the motion of the train.At such moments, when you're all alone, especially thoughts fill your mind. Looking for instantly changing the scenery outside the window I want to believe only in the best. Train knocks. As fast rushing life, because she, too, is akin to a journey on the train, and I want to believe that at the end of the journey you will take in the best time. The time where we will always be a little child. The time where the smell from the ovens of the train excites the mind and heart. The train rhythmically sways. Life goes on.
But still houseboats are ships, they can pass and moor where a large yacht simply has nothing to do. The most important plus of houses on the water: even taking into account the high cost, land prices in the near Moscow region cover all these costs at times. And the operation of a river residence is often significantly cheaper than the maintenance of a country house.The architecture and interiors of the house are limited only by the customer's capabilities, as well as by the area and other characteristics of the platform on which the floating residence is being built. After going through the formalities, the floating house can be moored almost anywhere outside the city limits.
But still houseboats are ships, they can pass and moor where a large yacht simply has nothing to do. The most important plus of houses on the water: even taking into account the high cost, land prices in the near Moscow region cover all these costs at times. And the operation of a river residence is often significantly cheaper than the maintenance of a country house.The architecture and interiors of the house are limited only by the customer's capabilities, as well as by the area and other characteristics of the platform on which the floating residence is being built. After going through the formalities, the floating house can be moored almost anywhere outside the city limits.