Написать сочинение или ответ на вопрос произведение - '' Повесть о том, как один мужик двух генералов прокормил ''. Михаил Евграфович Салтыков-Щедрин 1 Произведение, автор, история создания, эпоха.
2 Проблемы и герои произведения
- главный герой, его место, значение в произведение.
-какие проблемы рассматривает автор?
- Как герои читателю понять отношение автора к герою и проблеме, поднятой в произведении.
3 Актуальность проищведения.
1) the restraunt was very unsuccessful.
was the restraunt successful?
2) sylvana’s friend haven't own a large chocolate factory.
has sylvana’s friend owned a large chocolate factory?
3) she used unquality ingredients for her chocolates.
does she used top-quality ingredients for her chocolates?
4) the chocolates weren't praised by all who tasted them.
were the chocolates praised by all who tasted them?
5) the chocolates aren't selling well in the UK.
are chocolates selling well in the UK?
6) they wouldn't like to expand into Europe.
would they like to expland into Europe?