Написать сочинение, вот тема сочинения роботы в будущем. нужно придумать робота, дать ему имя, из чего он будет сделан, как будет выглядеть и для чего вообще появится, зачем он вообще нужен. буквально 10 предложений.
Once upon a time it was the robot. His name was Roger. He made of beautiful gold. Roger was nice and funny.The robot was sent to the earth to create the world and save the beautiful nature. he helped all the people and came home. But he left part of his golden heart,
Once upon a time it was the robot. His name was Roger. He made of beautiful gold. Roger was nice and funny.The robot was sent to the earth to create the world and save the beautiful nature. he helped all the people and came home. But he left part of his golden heart,