Мне действительно очень жаль, что я не смог ответить раньше на твоё письмо простите меня.Я знаю, что я плохой писатель.Я получаю удовольствие от твоего письма,так как не отказываюсь от твоего письма. В данный момент мы готовимся к Рождеству.Много моих родственников приходят навестить нас в Рождество. Они бывают довольно скучными.Моя старшая сестра и её муж остаются у нас.Они привели своих детей с собой. Мальчику 6 месяцев , а девочке 2.Мальчик плачет не прерывно и и девочка всегда хочет чего-то.На следующей неделе я был очень занят уборкой своей комнаты и покупками рождественских подарков. Я до сих пор не знаю что я буду покупать своим родителям, но я знаю что буду покупать для моей племянницы.Она сладкоежка.Здесь очень холодно и ветрено , на данный момент мне кажется , что дождь не прекратится. Пиши в ближайшее время
If anyone knew how hard it is to wake up every morning except Sunday, and make yourself ready for school! It is only after the kindergarten, when on September 1, and for the first time - in the first class, get up myself and going hunting with desire. After all, there is the effect of novelty, and he did not immediately go away. Especially first-graders homework do not ask, do not ask strictly. Teachers understand that difficult for us to have to get used to adapt. In addition, the same teacher - on all items. With him szhivaetsya, you begin to consider almost like a native. It is convenient and not "bother". The problems begin later, by the end of primary school. So, reluctantly get up, even too lazy to wash and brush your teeth, go to school half asleep. If the first lesson is not exercise, it is not immediately wake up. And if you do not check homework, you can get away somewhere in the back rows and there gradually recover, to tear his eyes. Honestly, call waiting and changes as manna from heaven. Especially when the lesson frankly boring. After all, everyone is clear: the relation to the subject depends on the teacher. Will it inspire, ignite - his honor and praise! And if comes and gives the material only for the "tick" to fill a magazine - what kind of interest can be said? And if in addition the lesson is over a piece of paper, the textbook and the teacher eyes from the book does not separate? Formality, and more!
Recently added hours of Physical Education. A sense! Just ran to exhaustion, cheat miles of the stadium near the school, and only. The impression is that the teachers themselves do not know what this "happiness" to do. And we're all together - "hostage" of the situation. In general, will soon release. And while I regret to note that the school gave me a little. But the good news is that it does not give as much knowledge as the ability to receive them. No lessons are remembered - remembered people person. And since my days in school - a turnover, gray days. I hope that then, in high school all going to be different.
Пиши в ближайшее время
So, reluctantly get up, even too lazy to wash and brush your teeth, go to school half asleep. If the first lesson is not exercise, it is not immediately wake up. And if you do not check homework, you can get away somewhere in the back rows and there gradually recover, to tear his eyes.
Honestly, call waiting and changes as manna from heaven. Especially when the lesson frankly boring. After all, everyone is clear: the relation to the subject depends on the teacher. Will it inspire, ignite - his honor and praise! And if comes and gives the material only for the "tick" to fill a magazine - what kind of interest can be said? And if in addition the lesson is over a piece of paper, the textbook and the teacher eyes from the book does not separate? Formality, and more!
Recently added hours of Physical Education. A sense! Just ran to exhaustion, cheat miles of the stadium near the school, and only. The impression is that the teachers themselves do not know what this "happiness" to do. And we're all together - "hostage" of the situation.
In general, will soon release. And while I regret to note that the school gave me a little. But the good news is that it does not give as much knowledge as the ability to receive them. No lessons are remembered - remembered people person. And since my days in school - a turnover, gray days. I hope that then, in high school all going to be different.