Написать текст по теме- You’ve recently bought a personal stereo which will not play all your CDs. You are writing to the shop to complain about it. You are angry, but polite.
Параграф 1: Начните с объяснения причины написания.
-Параграф (ы) 2/3: Скажите, что пошло не так в хронологическом порядке, и укажите проблемы, которые это вызвало у вас
-Параграф 4: Дайте предложения о том, как компания может улучшить свой сервис
-Параграф 5: Скажите четко, какую компенсацию вы ожидаете.
-Закончи свое письмо формально
2.They will visit their parents next month if they get
letter from them.
3. Jack will miss the train if he does not hurry.
4. When he feels better, he will invite us.
5. She will finish her work when she is at the office.
6. What will she do when she returns home?
7 will take-have
8. Nick will send us a postcard when he gets to Kyiv.
9. They won`t swim if the water is cold.
10.1 won`t go for a walk before my parents come home.
11. We will phone our son when we come home.
12. Tell me when they arrive.
13. I will go to the country if it does not snow.
14. She usually will go for a walk if it does not rain
16. I will do) my homework if I aren`t(ain`t) tired.
17. They will be-meet
18 will have-comes.
19. When my mother hears it, she will be glad.
20. We often watch TV if the weather is bad