Ось і настав цей день. Мене звільнили з роботи. Сказали мені, що їх не влаштовує моя праця, не подобаються витвори моїх рук. Але ж вони були чудовими. Шкода, але пора рухатись і далі! Чому б мені не знайти нову, кращу роботу, на якій б мені платили більше і там мене б цінували? Так і зроблю. Тому візьму журнал, для пошуку роботи з хорошим для мене графіком. Ось, знайшов, як раз і робота з не повним робочим графіком. Чудово.
That's the day. I was fired from work. They told me that they are not satisfied with my work, I do not like to work my hands. But they were wonderful. It's a pity, but it's time to move on! Why would not I find a new, better job, at what would I pay more and there would I be valued? I will do it. So I'll take a magazine to look for work with a good schedule for me. Here, I found, just like working with incomplete work schedules. Perfectly.
That's the day. I was fired from work. They told me that they are not satisfied with my work, I do not like to work my hands. But they were wonderful. It's a pity, but it's time to move on! Why would not I find a new, better job, at what would I pay more and there would I be valued? I will do it. So I'll take a magazine to look for work with a good schedule for me. Here, I found, just like working with incomplete work schedules. Perfectly.