Написати рецепт страви (будь-якої), користуючись дієсловами для приготування їжі (використати не менш 3 з цих дієслів та підкреслити їх). Також написати до якої кухні належить ця страва, чи корисна вона та звідки ви дізнались цей рецепт. Скільки і яких продуктів потрібно для страви писати не потрібно, лише процес приготування.
1 I was talking to a neighbour at the time. (говорил именно в тот момент)
2 How did the hikers get lost in the desert?
While they were walking there, a dust storm started. (длительное действие было "прервано" кратким действием)
3 Why didn't you use your mobile phone to call for help?
It didn't have any battery.
4 We had just reached the cave when it started to rain. (одно действие в предшествовало другому)
You're so lucky! We hadn't come down from the mountain yet, so we got really wet.
5 How did you manage to light a fire so quickly?
Quickly? I had been trying for half an hour before I finally succeeded! (Present Perfect Continuous показывает, как долго длилось действие, прежде чем произошло другое действие, выраженное формой Past Simple)
1) You should have a holiday. You shouldn’t work so hard.
2) You should go to the dentist. You shouldn’t eat so many sweets.
3) You should take an aspirin. You shouldn’t read without your glasses.
4) You should take some medicine. You shouldn’t smoke so many cigarettes.
5) You should tell him that you need it. You shouldn’t give it to him.
1) Do you think I should give it back to the shop?
2) Do you think I should ask my boss for more money?
3) Do you think I/we should wait a bit longer or go without him?
4) Do you think I/we should wake her up?
5) Do you think I/we should go with her?
6) Do you think we should take a taxi?
7) Do you think I/we should buy a new one?