General Questions: 1. Was the Aeronautical Society formed in Great Britain? 2. Did Wenham's findings substantiate Cayley's theories?
Subject Questions: 3. Who is credited with building the first wind tunnel? 4. What was formed in 1866 in Great Britain?
Special Questions: 5. When was the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain formed? 6. What did Wenham submit during the first meeting?
Alternative Questions: 7. Was F.H. Wenham a marine engineer or a sea captain? 8. Wenham submitted the results of his research in aerodynamics or in mathematics?
Tag-questions: 9. It represented the first organized activity dedicated to the research of aviation, didn't it? 10. Wenham is also credited with building the first wind tunnel, isn't he?
Запомни раз и навсегда ☝ что жизнь одна! она твоя! не надо слушать никого они не знают ничего твоих эмоций и страданий твоих обид, любви, прощаний не знают, что в душе, на сердце не знают, чем тебе согреться кто нужен, дорог, кто любим кто до безумия тебе необходим не знают снов твоих не видят боли и никогда не быть в твоей им роли! ☝ и в праве только ты одна решать, брать, видеть, говорить, звонить, ❤ кричать, страдать и ждать, и ненавидеть, и скучать ✨ и крепко за руку держать, смотреть в глаза и обнимать, смеяться, плакать и мечтать! и не бояться и любить! только тогда поймешь, что значит !
1. Was the Aeronautical Society formed in Great Britain?
2. Did Wenham's findings substantiate Cayley's theories?
Subject Questions:
3. Who is credited with building the first wind tunnel?
4. What was formed in 1866 in Great Britain?
Special Questions:
5. When was the Aeronautical Society of Great Britain formed?
6. What did Wenham submit during the first meeting?
Alternative Questions:
7. Was F.H. Wenham a marine engineer or a sea captain?
8. Wenham submitted the results of his research in aerodynamics or in mathematics?
9. It represented the first organized activity dedicated to the research of aviation, didn't it?
10. Wenham is also credited with building the first wind tunnel, isn't he?