Напишіть листа другові подружці в Англії (приблизно 90 - 95 слів), використовуючи таку інформацію: свою адресу, свій вік, свої інтереси та хобі; ваші шкільні предмети та додаткові заняття; улюблені речі (їжа, музика, домашні тварини); ваші амбіції на майбутнє. (на англійській)
Задача 3: ответьте на вопросы. Напишите свои ответы.
1. Бегаете ли вы обычно?
2. Обычно вы делаете домашнее задание по математике?
3. Вы регулярно чистите зубы?
4. Как часто вы встречаетесь с друзьями?
5. Вы вы играете в шахматы?
6. Вы катаетесь на коньках?(вроде)
1. No, I don't usually run.
Нет, я обычно не бегаю.
2. Yes, I do my math homework regularly.
Да, я регулярно делаю домашние задания по математике.
3. Yes, I brush my teeth regularly
Да, я регулярно чищу зубы
4. We see each other often after school and on weekends.
Мы часто видимся после школы и на выходных.
5. No, I do not know how, but I will shortly learn.
Нет, не знаю как, но скоро научусь.
6. Yes, I skate often in winter.
Да, зимой катаюсь часто.
1. Flat land which has very few trees.
b) plain
2. To do work which keeps the house clean
c) do chores
3. Kanat is really good... ice hockey and organized
a) at
4. The BBC has been around a long time, it was ... many years ago.
a) founded
5. I think it's cold enough outside, so the ice skating... might be open.
c) rink
6. Anel is very ..., she always wants to win.
a) competitive
7. To send money to look after a particular animal
a) adopt
8. Alina has already booked the We're staying in a hotel.
b) accommodation
9. A: Do you like my freshly baked apple pie?
B: Actually, the pastry's a bit it needed more time in the oven.
10. Adam is a student but works ... time in a DVD shop.
c) part
11. Don't forget the vegetables this afternoon.
c) to plant
12. Damir ... this weekend at his friend's house.
b) is spending
13. They abroad last summer.
b) didn't travel
14. I'm hungry. I myself a nice healthy salad.
a) 'll make
15. It was so dark that I couldn't see ... beneath the water.
c) anything
16. Yellowstone National Park ... by millions of tourists every year.
b) is visited
17. You arrive really early to your flight. What do your parents say?
c) We needn't have come so early.
18. Would you like ... milk in your coffee?
a) some
19. I'm thinking of taking... a sport.
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