Напишите, какой тип условных предложений будет использован. 1. Ты бы чувствовал себя лучше, если бы ложился спать раньше. 2. Он бы лучше знал английский, если бы летом прочитал английские книги. 3. Мы бы не опоздали на поезд, если бы взяли такси. 4. Если пойдет дождь, дети останутся дома. 5. Если бы вчера не было так холодно, мы бы поехали за город. 6. Если он выучит немецкий, он поедет учиться в Германию.
I also want to work directly with people and help them improve their health. Because health is the most valuable thing a person has. When we are sick, we absolutely do not want to comprehend science, or play sports or anything else. A sick person just wants to lie in bed and wait until, finally, his condition improves. And I want to give people a chance to recover and improve their condition.
Why do I want to become a doctor? I believe that this is the most necessary and humane profession. There is no profession more important than a doctor who relieves suffering, gives faith in life, gives recovery .. The work of a doctor is hard, but interesting. It consists in a great duty - to help people, to be kind and sympathetic, attentive to them and their illnesses. The doctor has no right to make mistakes. An incorrectly diagnosed diagnosis, inattention, even simple indifference to the patient can end someone's life. A doctor who is selfish and dishonest cannot be a good professional. I try to develop good character traits as much as possible.