Напишите краткий пересказ в 3 - 4 предложениях (на языке)
about half of british young people aged 12 to 16 read teenage magazines! two of the most popular magazines for girls are 'sugar' and 'bliss'. they have glossy, colourful covers and include beauty and fashion, celebrity gossip, real life stories, horoscopes, quizzes and problem pages. of course, boys don't usually find these magazines very interesting! instead, they buy music magazines like 'nme'or magazines about sport, like 'shoot'or 'match'. usually, teenage magazines contain a lot of language that only teenagers use! they might use 'celeb' instead of celebrity, for example, or 'fave' instead of favourite. they also say 'lads' instead of 'boys', 'dosh' instead of 'money' and 'natter' instead of 'talk to your friends'! this makes the magazines more attractive to teenagers and easier to understand. on a more serious note though, a lot of these magazines can help teens find solutions to problems they don't feel comfortable discussing with their parents. that's why the problem pages in these magazines are very popular. in fact, many teens buy them just for the problem page. how about you? what do you like most in magazines?
1. me
2. we/our/them
3. my/me
4. he
5. she/him
Задание №3
1. a/the
2. a/-/that
3. -/-/-
4. -/-/a/-/-/-
5. a/the
Задание №4
1. These women have children.
2. There are new factories in our town.
3. These books are on the shelves.
4. Take the knives and put them into the books.
5. What are these children's names?
Задание №5
was-to be
sitting - to sit
took-to take
hid - to hide
writes-to write
put - to put
gave - to give
said - to say
chooses - to chose
kiss - to kiss
Задание №6
1. was
2. is
3. am/will be
4. are
5. are
Задание №7
1. has
2. wiil have
3. had
4. have
5. will have
Задание № 8.
1. There are twelve months in a year. (В году 12 месяцев.)
2. There is much snow in winter.(Зимой много снега.)
3. There are few mistakes in my dictation. (В моей диктанте несколько ошибок)
4. There are a fortnight in two weeks. - Перевод, к сожалению не знаю, просто смысл не могу понять.
5. There are some flower on the window sill. (На подоконнике есть несколько цветов)
Задание №9
1. I don't know English. Do I know English?
2. She doesn't want to go home. Does she want to go home?
3. I don't miss my family. Do I miss my family?
4. In summer I Don't spend my summer holidays in the country. Do I spend my summer holidays in the country in summer?
5. He won't work in a factory next year. Will he work in a factory next year?
Задание №10.
1. There are good friends.
2. What is on the table? There is a pen and a pencil on the table.
3. I like your new flat.
4. This bus doesn't stop here.
5. He finished the University 3 years ago.
Катя: да, конечно.
Джим: что такое дача?
Катя: ой, дача-это участок земли, часто с небольшой дачный домик на нем. Обычно люди выращивают различные растения, овощи и фрукты.
Джим: у тебя есть дача?
Катя: да, мои родители.
Джим: ты провел летние каникулы на вашей даче?
Катя: обычно я делаю. Но это скучно ездить туда каждый год. Этим летом я была в лагере отдыха на Черном море, в Сочи.
Джим: о, я знаю, Сочи. Это город зимних Олимпийских Игр 2014 года (двадцать четырнадцать).
Катя: да, это верно.
Джим: вы насладитесь временем, проведенным в Сочи?
Катя: да, было жарко и солнечно. В лагере я загорала много, купались в море и играли с моими новыми друзьями. Каждый день у нас были различные спортивные соревнования и играли популярные игры на свежем воздухе.
Джим: это здорово. Я хотел провести свой летний отпуск на море тоже