Напишите нам стих буквами чтоб правельно выучить его наизусть. naughty ghosts in a big old house two little naughty ghosts live their names are lizzy and ziv lizzy likes to play downstairs in the living room and in the kitchen. where there are tables and chairs.
[ ˈnɔːti gəʊsts
ɪn ə bɪg əʊld haʊs
tuː ˈlɪtl ˈnɔːti gəʊsts lɪv
ðeə neɪmz ɑː ˈlɪzi ænd Ziv
ˈlɪzi laɪks tuː pleɪ ˌdaʊn ˈsteəz
ɪn ðə ˈlɪvɪŋ ruːm ænd ɪn ðə ˈkɪʧɪn.
weə ðeər ɑː ˈteɪblz ænd ʧeəz].