В 21 веке подросткам важно быть популярными. Они гоняться за модой. Мода на курение, на худобу, на красивые вещи, мода на дорогие телефоны. Мода на деградацию. Но с другой стороны, модно много знать, модно читать.
In the 21st century teenagers is important to be popular. They chase fashion smoking Fashion on thinness, the beautiful things, the fashion for expensive phones. Fashion degradation. But on the other hand, it is fashionable to know a lot, it is fashionable to read.
In the 21st century teenagers is important to be popular. They chase fashion smoking Fashion on thinness, the beautiful things, the fashion for expensive phones. Fashion degradation. But on the other hand, it is fashionable to know a lot, it is fashionable to read.