Напишите пересказ текста „the story of carpenter“ и 10 вопросов к нему the story of a carpenter my grandmother lucy knew no end of stories. here is one of them which is to illustrate the absurdity of despair. it's the story of a carpenter who lived many hundreds of years ago. one day on his way home he was stopped by a friend who said: "my brother, why do you look so sad? is anything the matter? " "you too would feel as i do," the carpenter replied. "if you were in my shoes." "what is it? " his friend asked. "by tomorrow morning," the carpenter said, "i must have eleven thousand eleven hundred eleven pounds of fine sawdust for the king, or else i shall lose my head." the carpenter's friend smiled and put his arm around the carpenter's shoulder. "my friend," he said, "cheer up. let us go and eat and drink and forget tomorrow. never give way to despair." so they went to the carpenter's home, where they found the carpenter's wife and children in tears. but the carpenter's friend told them to stop crying. and they all began eating, drinking, talking, singing and dancing. in the midst of laughter, the carpenter's wife began to weep and said: "so, my husband, in the morning you are to lose your head and we are all enjoying ourselves. so it is that way." "don't give way to despair," the carpenter said. "it's no use." and they continued eating, drinking, singing and danc¬ing. when light pierced darkness and it was day, everyone became silent and stricken with fear and grief. from the king came his men and knocked softly at the door of the carpenter’s house. and the carpenter said: "now i must go to die," and opened the door. "carpenter," they said, "the king is dead. build him a coffin."
Было поздно, и улицы были пусты, как я возвращался домой после работы в пятницу вечером. Вдруг я услышал какой-то шум позади меня. Я обернулся и чуть не закричал от испуга. Прямо за моей спиной стоял высокий мужчина в грязной куртке и он имел нож в руках. Огромный и страшный. Это было как гром среди ясного неба. Угрожая мне ножом преступник сказал, чтобы я отдал ему деньги, телефон и часы. Я закричал и стал звать на Полицейские выскочили из-за угла и захватили преступника. Они составили протокол нападения. Когда мы пришли в полицейский участок, там были еще несколько человек, которые ждали преступника, ограбившего их тоже. Они опознали его и полицейские смогли завести уголовное дело. Домой я вернулся очень поздно и был уставший и злой.