The history of the Internet began with the development of computers in the 1950s and the emergence of scientific and applied concepts of global computer networks almost simultaneously in different countries, primarily in scientific and military laboratories in the United States, Great Britain and France. The principles of the Internet were first applied in network ARPANET, created in 1969 by order of the American agency DARPA. Using the developments of ARPANET, in 1984 the US National Science Foundation created the NSFNET network for communication between universities and computing centers. Unlike the closed ARPANET, the NSFNET connection was fairly loose and by 1992 more than 7,500 small networks were connected to it, including 2,500 outside the United States. With the transfer of the NSFNET backbone to commercial use, the modern Internet emerged.
The history of the Internet began with the development of computers in the 1950s and the emergence of scientific and applied concepts of global computer networks almost simultaneously in different countries, primarily in scientific and military laboratories in the United States, Great Britain and France. The principles of the Internet were first applied in network ARPANET, created in 1969 by order of the American agency DARPA. Using the developments of ARPANET, in 1984 the US National Science Foundation created the NSFNET network for communication between universities and computing centers. Unlike the closed ARPANET, the NSFNET connection was fairly loose and by 1992 more than 7,500 small networks were connected to it, including 2,500 outside the United States. With the transfer of the NSFNET backbone to commercial use, the modern Internet emerged.
1. Во сколько ты встаёшь втечении недели? В половину восьмого
2. Who Кого первого ты видишь каждое утро? Моего брата. Он встаёт в то же время, что и я.
3. Where Где ты завтракаешь? На кухне
4. How much Сколько кофе ты пьешь? 3 или 4 чашки в день
5. When Когда прервешься на обед? С часу до двух
6. How often Как часто ты ешь в ресторане? Дважды в месяц
7. How many Сколько хороших друзей у тебя? Много. У мен много хороших друзей
8. What kind Какую машину ты водишь? Я езжу на мини (может быть малолитражка или мини купер)