Напишите сочинение, какой была бы жизнь до изобретения определеных электроприборов (например, телефон? компьютер? телевизор? холодильник). на языке про любой электроприбор не менее 150 слов! через 10 минут надо народ ! лучший ответ еще 8 пунктов!
Without the invention of many things modern life would be another. Likely it would be difficult to people to live without computers which employ them, without phones which help to contact quickly people living far. As also household appliances facilitate our life. Our mothers in kitchen couldn't ыбстро make a dinner, wash things. But also in it there are minuses. As it was healthy to send earlier letters, putting in them heart and soul and a particle of.
Without the invention of many things modern life would be another. Likely it would be difficult to people to live without computers which employ them, without phones which help to contact quickly people living far. As also household appliances facilitate our life. Our mothers in kitchen couldn't ыбстро make a dinner, wash things. But also in it there are minuses. As it was healthy to send earlier letters, putting in them heart and soul and a particle of.