vladimir zhirinovsky is one of the most prominent, bright and scandalous figures in the "political firmament" of russia, the founder and chairman of the liberal democratic party (ldpr), the vice-speaker of the russian state duma of the fifth convocation.
zhirinovsky vladimir volfovich was born on april 25, 1946 in almaty. his biological father, wolf isaakovich eidelstein, was a lawyer and agronomist, according to the latest press reports, who worked as the head of the chemical and fertilizer supply department at amir in tel aviv. mother alexandra petrovna makarova is russian by nationality, she worked in the canteen of the local veterinary institute.
there were many children in their family. vladimir volfovich was the sixth child, raised by his stepfather, has five half-brothers and sisters on the mother. it is known that until 1964, the future politician wore the name eidelstein. the future politician of russia at the secondary school № 25 named after m. learned. dzerzhinsky in his native alma-ata. after graduating from school, the young man decided to go to conquer moscow and chose to enter the institute of oriental languages at moscow state university, where he entered the faculty of history and philology. in parallel, zhirinovsky studied at the university of marxism-leninism at the faculty of international relations.
Обработка и очистка воды котла все котлы работают на общем предпосылке, что тепло передается воде для создания пара, который затем используется для работы на борту. вода, используемая на борту, в какой бы то ни было цели прибывает прежде всего из моря. для безопасного использования морской воды для производства пара соли и другие загрязняющие вещества должны быть удалены из воды, чтобы минимизировать образование окалины и коррозию в котельных и паровых контурах. механическая и технология используется в сочетании с обоими. испаритель или дистиллятор обычно устанавливают с целью очистки воды до тех пор, пока она не содержит только следовые количества минералов. морская вода также содержит растворенные газы, которые были абсорбированы из воздуха или образованы разлагающимся органическим веществом. они могут быть механически удалены деаэрацией, термически уменьшены за счет повышения температуры питательной воды и / или очищены. эффективная программа очистки воды минимизирует масштаб и коррозию в котельной системе. поскольку дистилляция и механическая термическая деаэрация не могут удалить все загрязняющие вещества, обычные программы обработки необходимы для эффективного обслуживания всего оборудования для производства парогенератора и системы охлаждения. дистилляция, ионный обмен и обратный осмос otbet (ro) - это процессы, которые могут использоваться для опреснения морской воды.
vladimir zhirinovsky is one of the most prominent, bright and scandalous figures in the "political firmament" of russia, the founder and chairman of the liberal democratic party (ldpr), the vice-speaker of the russian state duma of the fifth convocation.
zhirinovsky vladimir volfovich was born on april 25, 1946 in almaty. his biological father, wolf isaakovich eidelstein, was a lawyer and agronomist, according to the latest press reports, who worked as the head of the chemical and fertilizer supply department at amir in tel aviv. mother alexandra petrovna makarova is russian by nationality, she worked in the canteen of the local veterinary institute.
there were many children in their family. vladimir volfovich was the sixth child, raised by his stepfather, has five half-brothers and sisters on the mother. it is known that until 1964, the future politician wore the name eidelstein. the future politician of russia at the secondary school № 25 named after m. learned. dzerzhinsky in his native alma-ata. after graduating from school, the young man decided to go to conquer moscow and chose to enter the institute of oriental languages at moscow state university, where he entered the faculty of history and philology. in parallel, zhirinovsky studied at the university of marxism-leninism at the faculty of international relations.