Perhaps the most important thing I love Dickens for is his humanity. In his works everything is as it should be in a classic work. Positive heroes are honest and noble, they suffer in vain, steadfastly endure all the hardships, for which in the end there are always rewarded. Evil is always punished. It's amazing that even villains aren't completely villains. For example, a Jingle from the "Pickwick club" — when his fate "hits on the head" and he is in prison with Mr. Pickwick, then we feel sorry for him, like an old friend. And how noble and wonderful David Copperfield is! Granny Betsy Trotwood, little Dorrit, can you name them all? And another great quality Dickens - it's his humor! It's something extraordinary. Thin, elegant, specifically English. Only memories of some scenes from the" Pickwick club " cause a smile!
And another great quality Dickens - it's his humor! It's something extraordinary. Thin, elegant, specifically English. Only memories of some scenes from the" Pickwick club " cause a smile!