Конфликты в семье происходят мгновенно,например: мама часто ругается ,потому-что в комнате не убрано ,или она попросила вытереть пыль а ты этого не сделал. Конфликты случаются из за непослушания ,а если ругаются родители значит есть на то причины,и лезть в их ссору не следует. Если ты будешь дарить маме улыбку и будешь ей ,никаких конфликтов не будет! Conflicts in the family occur instantaneously, for example, my mother often complains, because the room is not cleaned, or she asked to wipe the dust and you did not. Conflicts happen because of disobedience, and if you scold parents so there is a good reason, and to go into their quarrel should not be. If you're going to give her mother a smile and you will help her, no conflicts will not be!
Conflicts in the family occur instantaneously, for example, my mother often complains, because the room is not cleaned, or she asked to wipe the dust and you did not. Conflicts happen because of disobedience, and if you scold parents so there is a good reason, and to go into their quarrel should not be. If you're going to give her mother a smile and you will help her, no conflicts will not be!