Trafalgar Square is the geographical center of London. Trafalgar Square is the natural centre of London and the best starting point for a tour of the capital. Trafalgar Square is one of Britain's great tourist attractions. The Square was named so to commemorate Nelson’s victory at the battle of Trafalgar in 1805. The square is the place for all sorts of meetings and demonstrations. To the north-east of Trafalgar Square there is the building that houses the National Gallery of Art - one of the most important Art Galleries in the world - and behind is the National Portrait Gallery.
1. He to travel a lot and lost summer. (Он много путешествовал и потерял лето)
2. Bob recently bought an expensive motorcycle. (Боб недавно купил дорогой мотоцикл)
3. Jill never saw a real fairy. (Джилл никогда не видел настояющую фею)
4. John needs to wear a down jacket today ( Джону сегодня надо надеть пуховик)
5. He became a pilot the other day. (Он стал пилотом на днях)
6. They just make a present for themselves. (Они делают подарок для самих себя Средой, рабочие обедали вместе с архитектором)
8. Sally will be on tour for a week. (Салли будет на туре через неделю)
9. Water is flowing. Anne goes to plunge into the water. (Вода течёт. Энн идёт чтобы окунуться в воду)
10. Harry is sure his team win in three days. (Гарри уверен, что его команда выйграет через три дня.)
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