Напишите во предложения в страдательном
залоге в настоящем времени по формуле (am / is / are + Ved
/ V2)
1. These car / make / in Germany ?
Are these cars made in Germany?
Food / serve / on plane journeys ?
Why / a passport / need / to travel abroad ?
Trains / clean / before each journey ?
When / cars / allow / in the city centre?
Where / coach tickets / sell ?
The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland is situated on the British Isles. It consists of 4 parts: England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. England, Wales and Scotland occupy the territory of Great Britain. Northern Ireland is situated in the northern part of Ireland. The population is over 57 million people. The northern and western parts of the country are mountainous and are called the Highlands. All the rest: south, east and center are a vast plain, called the Lowlands. The mountains are not very high. The rivers are not very long. The most important of them are the Severn and the Thames. There are many beautiful lakes in Great Britain. Great Britain is a country with old cultural traditions and customs. The most famous educational centers are Oxford and Cambridge Universities. The United Kingdom is a monarchy and the Queen is the head of the state. But in practice it is ruled by the government with a Parliament at the head. нашел в книжке
Однажды когда я был ещё маленьким мы с родителями ходили на концерт известного певца Стаса Пьехи. Он пел замечательные песни, рассказывал несколько историй о своей жизни. Я с удивлением смотрел и задумался: Когда я выросту я тоже буду петь песни которые мне по душе! Когда мне исполнилось 13 и мы поехали в Москву там мы снова увидели Стаса и я попросил его автограф. С того дня я не стал популярным, но эта мечта осталась...