Напишити как читать по there were two bells cast as the clock tower's hour bell. a first, 16 ton weighing bell was cast by john warner and sons in 1856. since the clock tower was not yet completed, the bell was hung temporarily in the palace yard. the bell soon cracked so it was recast in 1858 in the whitechapel bell foundry as a 13.5 ton bell. unfortunately soon after this bell was placed in the belfry in july 1859, it cracked as well. this time, instead of yet again recasting the bell, the crack was repaired and a lighter hammer was used to prevent any more cracks. the hour bell was probably named after benjamin hall, clock facethe first commissioner of works. some sources however claim the bell was named after benjamin caunt, a british heavyweight boxing champion.
Часового колокола, вероятно, был назван в честь Бенджамина Холла,
Часы facethe Первый
Заказчиком Работ. Однако некоторые источники утверждают, колокол был назван в честь Бенджамина Caunt, британский тяжеловес, Чемпион по боксу.There were читается как там были но бывает что его читают в конце предложения