1-because the days were too short and they couldnt get all their work.
2-Maui is a young fisherman
3-they iravelled towards the east to where the sun rises. After 12 days, they arrived at the edge of a huge, red-hot pit where the sun was sloeping.
4-They hid behind some rocks.
5-When the sun began to rise, they threw their ropes over it.
6-Miti ordered the sun "From now on you will travel slowly across the sky"
7-Mikti thought. "OK, Sun. If you promise to go slowly for six months of the year, I will release you." Then the sun promised .
Освещает - глагол, нач. ф. - освещать, несовершенный вид, переходный, невозвратный, изъявительное наклонение, настоящее время, ед. ч., 3-е лицо,
II. Костя, закрой окно!
Закрой - глагол, нач. ф. - закрыть, совершенный вид, переходный, невозвратный,
повелительное наклонение, ед. ч., 2-е лицо, сказуемое.
III. Если бы ты закрыл окно, никто не заболел бы.
Заболел (бы) - глагол, нач. ф. - заболеть, совершенный вид, непереходный, невозвратный, условное наклонение, ед. ч.; сказуемое.
1-because the days were too short and they couldnt get all their work.
2-Maui is a young fisherman
3-they iravelled towards the east to where the sun rises. After 12 days, they arrived at the edge of a huge, red-hot pit where the sun was sloeping.
4-They hid behind some rocks.
5-When the sun began to rise, they threw their ropes over it.
6-Miti ordered the sun "From now on you will travel slowly across the sky"
7-Mikti thought. "OK, Sun. If you promise to go slowly for six months of the year, I will release you." Then the sun promised .