Найдите английские эквиваленты. терапевты, факультет, семестр, посещают лекции; учебный год, оплачиваются, длительность, лаборатория, проходят практику, клинические предметы, начиная с 3-его курса, после сдачи госэкзаменов, диссертация.
Although I do not like learning, school-source znaniy.Bez secondary education did not enroll in an institution of higher education, and therefore did not find a good school rabotu.V I have many friends and enjoy znakomyh.Mne teachers (subjects) .Mne like (objects). The school has many pros and cons, while I'm in school, I notice there are many disadvantages, for example the fact that you need every day to do your homework, you must get up early, but when I was released from the school and will do in any higher institution, I might understand that the school is not so ploho.Ne whether schools, I would not be able to properly express their thoughts, many schools helps zhizni.Potomu Thu about in school we learn to read, write, count and solve problems knowledge of physics and chemistry, not too little vazhny.Inostrannye languages are needed so that we can communicate with people from other countries.
Overall I feel about school more neutral than negative.
1. I have already signed the agreement. b. Present Perfect 2. We are working on a new project now. c. Present Continuous 3. He will open an account with this bank. a. Future Simple 4. Cash flow was the main problem. c. Past Simple 5. She has just invited me to the presentation today. b. Present Perfect
II. Соотнесите видовременную форму страдательного залога в первой колонке с соответствующим названием во второй колон 1. is changed i) Present Simple Passive 2.will change d) Future Simple Active 3. was changed j) Past Simple Passive 4. has been changed h) Present Perfect Passive 5. is being changed f) Present Continuous Passive 6. have changed e) Present Perfect Active 7. is changing a) Present Continuous Active 8. will be changed g) Future Simple Passive 9. change b) Present Simple Active 10. changed c) Past Simple Active
Overall I feel about school more neutral than negative.
2. We are working on a new project now. c. Present Continuous
3. He will open an account with this bank. a. Future Simple
4. Cash flow was the main problem. c. Past Simple
5. She has just invited me to the presentation today. b. Present Perfect
II. Соотнесите видовременную форму страдательного залога в первой колонке с соответствующим названием во второй колон
1. is changed i) Present Simple Passive
2.will change d) Future Simple Active
3. was changed j) Past Simple Passive
4. has been changed h) Present Perfect Passive
5. is being changed f) Present Continuous Passive
6. have changed e) Present Perfect Active
7. is changing a) Present Continuous Active
8. will be changed g) Future Simple Passive
9. change b) Present Simple Active
10. changed c) Past Simple Active