Найдите н переведите предложения, в которых употребляется сложное дополнение и нужно составить 2 вопроса С. Angina Pectoris
On being admitted to the in-patient department the patient complained of pain in the chest.
He had been suffering from pain of various intensity in the chest and behind the breastbone for several weeks. The patient noted the pain to radiate to the left shoulder and down the arm. The patient also observed the pain have been growing worse on moving and on physical exertion. He stated that it frequently began suddenly at night during sleep.
During the attacks of pain he was covered with cold perspiration and his face was pale. The incidence of attacks was frequently associated with physical and mental overstrain.
On physical examination the doctor revealed areas of very sensitive skin from the 7th cervical vertebra to the 5th upper thoracic one. On percussion, palpation and auscultation of the heart no significant abnormality was revealed.
The electrocardiogram taken during the attack showed a disturbance in the coronary blood circulation. The most important readings of the electrocardiogram were either diminished or deviated. By having repeated the electrocardiogram after the end of the attack the cardiologist found the adequate readings of the electrocardiogram to return to normal ones.
During the attacks of moderate pain no changes in the peripheral blood or elevation of body temperature were noted. However the temperature rose insignificantly and there was an accompanying slight leucocytosis when the attacks of pain were particularly severe.
The doctor made the diagnosis of angina pectoris with a severe course. Its main cause was atherosclerosis of the coronary arteries.
Когда ты сидишь и пишешь письмо,
Кладешь его в почтовый ящик,
Ты знаешь что с ним случится
Когда ты положишь его в почтовый ящик?
Так, письмо проделает долгий путь (будет долго путешествовать)
Оно пройдет сквозь ночь.
И это история о этом письме,
Письме, которое ты пишешь.
Так, почтальон отнесет это письмо в отдел сортировки.
Он кладет все письма в сортировочную машину.
Когда почтальон кладет их в мешки с письмами
И эти мешки путешествуют. Путешествуют на поезде.
Когда они достигнут пункта назначения,
Почтальон заберет их со станции.
Они сортируют их для доставки,
И они приносят их (письма) тебе и мне.
1) He swims erery sunday – Общий
Does he swim every day?
2) She translated the text last week - Специальный
When did she translate the text? – She translated the text last week
What did she do last week? – She translated the text.
What did she translate last week? – She translated the text
3) They are reading (the? an?) article now - Альтернативный
Are they reading an article or a book now?
4) He has broken his car - С хвостиком
He has broken the car, hasn’t he?
5) You have been studying English for 2 years - К подлежащему
Who has been studying English for 2 years?