найдите существительное, относящиеся к спорту.Напишите предложения. е.g
1.jumping a court
2 hockey. b court
3 boxing. c ground
4 basketball. d ring
5 football. e pitch
6 tennis. f ice rink
Напишите предложения ,
используя данные выше слова
They do jumping on the ground.
They play basketball on a court
3. While my brother was studing, my grandma made some muffins.
4. They were playing tennis when it began to rain.
5. We went to the movies last night.
6. The thieves came into the house while the man was sleeping
7. He missed the train because he was talking with some friends.
8. I went to the doctor 2 days ago because I had a terrible headache.
9. Max was driving his car to work when it broke down.
10. When I got up this morning, the sun was shining