Найти в тексте правильные и неправильные глаголы. "му goodness; ' said mary poppins, "i аm having а day out! " mary poppins and her friend match-man walked together in the little wood. suddenly they саmе upon а little open space filled with sunlight. and there оn а green table was afternoon-tea! а pile of raspberry-jam-cakes as high as mary poppins's waist stood in the centre. "won't уоu sit down, madam? " - asked а voice. they turned and found а tall mаn in а black coat coming out of the wood with а table-napkin over his arm. "i ' m the waiter, уоu know! " - explained the mаn in the black coat. "won't уои sit down? " said mary poppins, politely. "waiters never sit down, madam; ' said the mаn. but he was very pleased that mary poppins had asked him to join them. they began their aftemoon-tea, and the waiter stood beside them to see that they had everything they needed. they drank their tea and two more cups, and then they finished the pile of raspberry-jam-cakes. after that they got up. "there is nothing to pау" said the before they had time to ask for the bill . "it is а pleasure. yоu will find the merry-go-round just over there! " mary poppins and her friend saw some wooden horses in the trees
Неправильные: came, was, stood, found, had, began, drank, got up, saw