Nbsp; one of my favourite celebrations is fourth of july. this is american independence day when we celebrate being independent from britain. last year’s fourth of july was fantastic. the weather was great and i helped dad with the barbecue. we cooked lots of burgers and chicken wings. my sister louise made a special potato salad. it was delicious! in the evening we went to a huge firework display at our local park. the colours were amazing. i really enjoyed myself. i think that traditional celebrations like this one are great. i can’t wait for the next forth of july. fill in the gaps: 1. the colours were . 2. this is american day when we celebrate being independent from britain. 3. in the evening we went to a display at our local park.
Джошу починили велосипед.
We have our house painted.
наш дом покрасили.
Kate is having her teeth whitened.
зубы Кейт отбеливают
I have my work done.
мне сделали работу.
she will have her nails done.
Ей нарастят ногти.
my mum has been having her hair dyed.
моей маме красили волосы.
my dad must have his car repaired.
моему папе должны починить машину.
He has his car washed twice a month.
ему моют машину два раза в месяц.
she has been having her skirt shortened.
он укорачивали ее юбку.
my sister is having her eyes checked.
моей сестре проверяют зрение.