Ne answer N pl 3 C listen and check I don't agree. I think the answer ka the first question is 4 Match the verbs in A with the phrases in B to mal collocations. Check your Read the rules on page 45. Then play the teams. Use the key phrases to compare your
The white tiger is an individual of the Bengal tiger with a congenital mutation (not considered a separate subspecies). The mutation leads to a completely white coloration - a tiger with black-brown stripes on white fur and blue eyes. This color is very rare among wild animals. The frequency of appearance of white tigers is 1 individual per 10 000 with normal color. Reports of the white tiger for many decades came from Assam, Bengal, Bihar and especially from the territory of the former indigenous principality of Reva. The first discovery of the white tiger in nature, however, is attributed to 1951, when one of the hunters took a white male tiger from the lair that he had found and then unsuccessfully tried to obtain from him the same progeny from the female with normal color, but then after all succeeded in creating a second generation of white tigers. Over time, the population has significantly expanded: all white tigers, which are now contained in captivity, are descendants of the same found individual and have a relationship with each other. Now in captivity contains about 130 white tigers, about 100 of them - in India. The last known white tiger in nature was shot in 1958. The view that white tigers are albinos is wrong - in fact, this coloration is caused by the presence of recessive genes (a real albino tiger would not have black bands). If both parents are heterozygous, that is, orange, but are carriers of genes, then the chance to get their offspring in the form of a white tiger is 25%. Parents, one of whom is a white tiger, and the other an orange heterozygote, has a similar chance to increase up to 50%. If one of the parents is white and the other is orange, but homozygous, the whole offspring will be orange, but the carriers of the gene. White tigers are usually smaller (from childhood) than ordinary Bengal tigers, and often, due to closely related crossings, [1] have various genetic defects, including strabismus, poor vision, clubfoot, curved spine and neck, problems with kidneys. Nevertheless, the claim that infant mortality among white tigers is extremely high does not really correspond to reality. White tigers are popular not only in zoos, where they are often attracted to everyone's attention and are therefore considered a valuable specimen, but also in popular culture: in particular, some musical groups dedicated songs to them. I want this breed of tigers to be protected and not killed! Thank you for attention
Концепция, безусловно, хороший, как современной авиаперелетов такой хорошей мишенью для сатиры. Существует несколько хороших персонажей действующих и большие, тоже, как и грубые проверки в девушек. Мелодия и Кили, то пафосно авиакомпания стюардесса, Пенни, и ксенофобские иммиграционной службы, Ян ног. Существует реальная псевдодокументальный чувствую, тоже с голоса за кадром и персонажи говорили непосредственно к камере. Қазіргі заманғы әуе саяхат сатира үшін осындай жақсы мақсатты болып табылады тұжырымдамасы, әрине жақсы бірі болып табылады. Дөрекі тексеру-қыздар сияқты тым кейбір жақсы актерлік және үлкен кейіпкерлері, бар. Әуен және Keeley, снобистским әуе стюардесса, Пенни және ксенофобиялық иммиграциялық ресми, Ян Foot. Нақты mockumentary сезімін камера тікелей сөйлесіп войсоверов және кейіпкерлері бар, тым, бар