не могу сделать 1) The title of the story is
Название рассказа на
Story is written by. Рассказ написани... (имя автора)
3) The genre of the story is.e
Жаром рассказа является ..
4) The main hero is (heroes are)
Главным героем является (героями являются) 5) The story takes place
Действия происходят в (страна, город, место событий)
6) The plot of the story is about Сюжетом рассказа является на нь
7) My favorite character is because .
Моим любимым персонажен является потому что 8) I like (dislike) the story because ...
Рассказ мне понравится (не понравится, потому что ...
Most native Americans were very peaceful. They often had special ceremonies with dances and music before they went hunting or fishing or when they began farming.
Native Americans songs and poems are a very important part of their traditions. Another famous tradition was smoking of a peace pipe. Many years ago Native American tribes lived in all parts of the USA now most of them live in poor lands to the west of Mississippi River. Many live in "reservations".
I really love the Harry Potter books because they are very interesting, in the books there is always intrigue,friendship,love, a lot of adventures and funny events.
The book tells about such a thing as a magic...To which it leads, and that there should be a series of incredible events.
This book is so popular that for her film.
Im looking forward to the eighth book, and let the characters grew up, their adventures never will be not interesting.
The book teaches friendship,kindness, care, and life, of course.