NI Test 1 (write the sentences on your copybooks choosing the correct
1. she from Spain? Am/Are /Is
2. Where_ you from? am /are is
3. He rude. He's polite! Is isn't not
4. Are you English? Yes I __and bed is
s. She a funny student. She's a serious teacher. Is/isut' was
6. Is he a strong man? Yes, he
bel is was
7. Was she on holiday last week? No, she not/ was' wasn't
8. Where you yesterday? Are was/ were
Was it cold at the football match? Yes, it is/ was wasut
10. We happy. We were sad! Are/ aren't/ weren't
2.) Замените придаточные предложения герундиальным оборотом с предлогом, где он необходим.
1 Thank you that you invited me to the theatre.
2 The woman insisted that her husband should consult the doctor at
3 The thought that he had missed the party made him unhappy.
4 The teacher insisted that the students should come after the lessons
for a meeting.
5 Helen suggested that they should go on a trip.
6 I don’t mind if the children go to the station with me.
1 Thank you for inviting me to the theatre.
2 The woman insisted that her husband's consulting the doctor at once.
3 The thought of having missed the party made him unhappy.
4 The teacher insisted on the students' coming after the lessons for a meeting.
5 Helen suggested their going on a trip.
6 I don’t mind the children's going to the station with me.
3.) Переведите предложения с герундием на английский язык.
1 Я настаиваю на том, чтобы ей.
2 Он отрицал, что видел ее.
3 Она боится получить плохую оценку.
4 Мои родители подумывают о том, чтобы поехать в Италию.
5 Перестань плакать.
1 I insist on helping her.
2 He denied having seen her.
3 She is afraid of getting a bad mark.
4 My parents are thinking of going to Italy.
5 Stop crying.
После мама готовит вкусный рыбный суп. Если у нас есть свободное время, мы всегда проводим его вместе. Мы любим ходить в кино и гулять в парке. Летом мы ездим на речку купаемся или ходим в лес за грибами и ягодами. Зимой мы ходим кататься на лыжах и коньках. Мой брат и я всегда нашим родителям. Мы моем посуду и пометаем пол.
Более того, мы убираем свои комнаты самостоятельно. Наши родители самые лучшие! Наша семья единая, сплочённая и счастливая!