Ниже даны слова и словосочетания на языке, найдите в тексте их эквиваленты на : досуговый центр, течение, плата за вход, аквапарк, средиземноморский, вышка для ныряния, канал, прямоугольный бассейн
Trinity College is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Dublin. Thousands of people walk over the campus every day to admire the beautiful buildings of Ireland’s first university, but not many know the historical secrets of the buildings they’re taking photos of. In this blog, we’ll tell you everything you need to know before visiting Trinity College to make sure that you know everything about its rich history.
The establishment of Trinity College
Trinity College is Ireland’s oldest university, founded by Queen Elizabeth in 1592. In 1592 Trinity College only welcomed Protestant elite for education, and only in 1793 it opened its doors to the Catholics. In 1904, the first women were allowed to study at the university.
Trinity College Today
Trinity College is the only Irish university to rank in the top 100 world universities and the top 50 European universities, as rated by The Times. The campus provides dining halls, cafeterias and a bar as well as a varied social life sustained by over 150 student societies and a sports centre and associated sports clubs.
The old library
The old library of Trinity College is the largest library in Ireland and is built between 1712 and 1732. The library, as a legal deposit, has the rights to receive material published in the Republic of Ireland free of charge. It’s the only Irish library to hold such rights for the United Kingdom. The most famous room in the old library is the long room, this room houses 200,000 of the library’s oldest books.
В начале 19-го века женщины в Америке не имеют равные права с мужчинами. Они не имеют права выступать на публике, чтобы голосовать. Им не разрешали учиться в большинстве колледжей. В большинстве штатов замужние женщины не могут владеть землей или дома. Две женщины Элизабет Стэнтон и Лукреция Мотт решил встретиться с другими женщинами, чтобы попытаться изменить законы и обычаи. В 1848 году женщины со всей страны собрались, чтобы обсудить права женщин. После их встречи, где все мужчины и женщины были признаны равными, женщины начали публично говорить о своих правах, право владеть и продавать имущество, чтобы получить образование, работать на любой работе или в какой-либо профессии, голосовать; на самом деле, чтобы быть равными с мужчинами много лет, прежде чем женщины стали получать эти права. Многие женщины поняли, они должны работать вместе для прав всех людей, будьте они черными или белыми, мужчинами или женщинами, рабами или свободными.
Trinity College is one of the most popular tourist attractions in Dublin. Thousands of people walk over the campus every day to admire the beautiful buildings of Ireland’s first university, but not many know the historical secrets of the buildings they’re taking photos of. In this blog, we’ll tell you everything you need to know before visiting Trinity College to make sure that you know everything about its rich history.
The establishment of Trinity College
Trinity College is Ireland’s oldest university, founded by Queen Elizabeth in 1592. In 1592 Trinity College only welcomed Protestant elite for education, and only in 1793 it opened its doors to the Catholics. In 1904, the first women were allowed to study at the university.
Trinity College Today
Trinity College is the only Irish university to rank in the top 100 world universities and the top 50 European universities, as rated by The Times. The campus provides dining halls, cafeterias and a bar as well as a varied social life sustained by over 150 student societies and a sports centre and associated sports clubs.
The old library
The old library of Trinity College is the largest library in Ireland and is built between 1712 and 1732. The library, as a legal deposit, has the rights to receive material published in the Republic of Ireland free of charge. It’s the only Irish library to hold such rights for the United Kingdom. The most famous room in the old library is the long room, this room houses 200,000 of the library’s oldest books.