нужен if you 'd like a packet of printed materials including our newspaper green police and suntheses regeneration a magazine of green thought please submit an information request. if you like what you read you can get two other green friends and form a green party usa localor cacus.with five or more people your group can have decision making votes in our national meetings. we're heavily involved in the antiwar movement (see statements) as well as many environmentaland social justice battles and we need your help. please join us today. national coordinating commitee greens/ green party us
Мы активно участвует в антивоенном движении (см заявления), а также многие environmentaland социальные битвы правосудия и нам нужна ваша присоединяйтесь к нам сегодня.
Национальный координационный комитет
Зеленые / Партия Зеленых США