Нужен перевод текста ,понятный и логичьный! dear thanks for your letter.it was so interesting to read about you film experience.i`m writing this answer because mum sent me upstairs to clean my room but i really don't feel like doing it at the moment.normally we clean the house together once a week.meg waters the flowers and dusts the shelves.i hoover the stairs and carpets and mother does the laundry.washing the windows is a strenuous chore ,so our dad always does it. mum usually prepares the meals.she is a wonderful cook and doesn`t mind spending time in the kitchen.at weekends she sometimes invites some friends round for a three-course dinner.meg usually does the dishes and i take the rubbish out. my mother also enjoys needlework.she`s really good at knitting ,sewing and even embroidery and silk painting.all this takes a great deal of patience: therefore,i admire her will-power and determination and i wish had some,too. in summer there are also things to do in the garden.sometimes we help mum to plant flowers and do some weeding.dad mows the lawn.in summer it needs to be done at least twice a month.i change electric bulbs that have burnt out and mend the bikes if needed. last year we re-decorated the house.i helped dad wallpaper the bedrooms and paint the walls: meg and mum changed the kitchen around.in winter,it is man`s duty to shovel the snow away from the driveway and keep the heating system working.the women do the shopping.on wednesdays they go to the supermarket and on saturday mornings we all drive to the market to buy fresh fruit and vegetables.